Saturday, March 31, 2012

The World of Valmiki-17

The World of Valmiki-17

Mathematics and measures
रक्षसां भीमकर्माणां सहस्राणि चतुर्दश ।
निहतानि शरैस्तीक्ष्णैः तेनैकेन पदातिना ।
अर्धाधिकमुहूर्तेन खरश्च सहदूषणः ॥३/३४/१०॥
 Fourteen thousand Rakshasas along with Khara and Dushana were killed within a muhurta and a half by sharp arrows by (Rama) singly standing on the ground.

चतुरङ्गुलमात्रोऽपि नावकाशः स विद्यते ।
रावणान्तः पुरे तस्मिन् यं कपिर्न जगाम सः ॥५/१२/१७॥
There was not even a space of four angulas which was not searched by the monkey.

शतैः शतसहस्रैश्च कोटिभिश्च प्लवङ्गमाः ।
अयुतैश्चावृता वीराः शङ्कुभिश्च परन्तप ॥
अर्बुदैरर्बुदशतैः मध्यैश्चान्तैश्च वानराः ।
समुद्रैश्च परार्धैश्च हरयो हरियूथपाः ।
आगमिष्यन्ति ते राजन् महेन्द्रसमविक्रमाः ॥४/३८/३१-३६॥
The monkeys and their chiefs will come in hundreds, hundred thousands, crores, ayutas (10 thousands), shankus, arbudas (10 crores), one hundred arbudas, madhyas, antas, samudras and parardhas
[ Govindaraja quotes: एकं दशशतं अस्मात् सहस्रं अयुतं ततः परं लक्षम् । प्रयुतं कोटिमथार्बुदवृन्दे खर्वं निखर्वं च ॥ तस्मान्महासरोजं शङ्कुं सरितां पतिं त्वन्तम् । मध्यं प्रार्धमाहुः यथोत्तरं दशगुणं तथा ज्ञेयम् ॥ arbuda=10 kotis; vrinda=10 arbudas; kharva=10 vrindas; nikharva=10 kharvas; mahasaroja=10 nikharvas; shanku=10 mahasarojas; samudra=10 shankus; anta=10 samudras; madhya=10 antas; parardha=10 madhyas. परार्ध is ten to the power of nine Crores! Tirtha apparently errs in explaining samudra and parardha. Bhaskara's Lilavati calls वृन्द as अब्ज: एकदश शत सहस्रायुतलक्षकोटयः क्रमशः। अर्बुदमब्जं खर्वनिखर्वमहापद्मशङ्कवस्तस्मात् ॥ जलधिश्चान्त्यं मध्यं परार्धमिति दशगुणोत्तराः संज्ञाः ॥ Valmiki's conversion table is different and perhaps in error- See below ]

शतं शतसहस्राणां कोटिमाहुर्मनीषिणः ।
शतं कोटिसहस्राणां शङ्कुरित्यभिधीयते ॥
शतं शङ्कुसहस्राणाम् महाशङ्कुरिति स्मृतः ।
महाशङ्कुसहस्राणां वृन्दमिहोच्च्यते ॥
शतं वृन्दसहस्राणां महावृन्दमिति स्मृतम् ।
महावृन्दसहस्राणां शतं पद्ममिहोच्च्यते ॥
शतं पद्मसहस्राणां समुद्रमभिधीयते ।
शतं समुद्रसाहस्रं ओघ इत्यभिधीयते ॥
शतमोघसहस्राणां महौघा इति विश्रुतः ।६/२८/३३-३८॥
The learned consider a hundred of a thousand hundreds as koti. A hundred of a thousand kotis as Shanku; A hundred of a thousand Shanku as Mahashanku; A hundred of a thousand Mahashanku as Vrinda:  A hundred of a thousand vrinda as Mahavrinda; A hundred of a thousand mahavrinda  as Padma; A hundred of a thousand Padma as Samudra; A hundred of a thousand Samudra is Ogha; A hundred of a thousand Ogha as Mahougha. [ Each unit is ten to the power of five times the previous unit. Consequently Mahougha is ten to the power of forty five times hundred=10 to the power of 47 ! ]

रक्ताक्षाः सुबहुव्यामा नीलाञ्जनचयोपमाः ।
शूलानुद्यम्य खड्गांश्च निशितांश्च परश्वधान् ॥६/६५/३८॥
Red-eyed Rakshasas who looked like heaps of black anjana and who were of several Vyaamas in height ( came) holding sharp parashvadhas and Sulas and swords. [A Vyama is the distance between the tips of middle fingers when the two arms are fully extended in line.]

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Saturday, March 24, 2012

The World of Valmiki-16

The World of  Valmiki-16
2.0 Knowledge base
The Vedas
कौसल्यां च य आशीर्भिः भक्तः पर्युपतिष्ठति ।
आचार्यस्तैत्तिरीयाणामभिरूपश्च वेदवित् ।२/३२/१५॥
That worthy preceptor who attends on Kausalya with benedictions and who is well versed in the Vedas and who teaches Taittiriya rescension of Krishna-Yajurveda- - - .

ये चेमे कठकालापा बहवो दण्डमाणवाः ॥२/३२/१८॥
These religious students carrying staff who study Katha and Kalapa rescensions of the Vedas - - - .

नानृग्वेदविनीतस्य नायजुर्वेदधारिणः ।
नासामवेदविदुषः शक्यमेवं प्रभाषितुम् ॥४/३/२९॥
It is not possible for a person who is not well versed in Rigveda, Yajurveda and Samaveda  to speak like this.


त्र्यहोऽश्वमेधः संख्यातः कल्पसूत्रेण ब्राह्मणैः ।१/१४/४०॥
In Kalpasutra and in Brahmanas  Savana process is allotted three days in Asvamedha(Horse-sacrifice).

नूनं व्याकरणं कृत्स्नमनेन बहुधा श्रुतम् ।
बहु व्याहरतानेन न किञ्चिदपभाषितम् ॥
न मुखे नेत्रयोर्वापि ललाटे च भ्रुवोस्तथा ।
अन्येष्वपि च गात्रेषु दोषः संविदितः क्वचित् ॥
अविस्तरमसंदिग्धमविलम्बितमद्रुतम् ।
उरःस्थं कण्ठगं वाक्यं वर्तते मध्यमे स्वरे ॥
संस्कारक्रमसम्पन्नामद्रुतामविलम्बिताम् ।
उच्चारयति कल्याणीं वाचं हृदयहारिणीम् ॥
अनया चित्रया वाचा त्रिस्थानव्यञ्जनस्थया ।
कस्य नाराध्यते चित्तमुद्यतासेररेरपि ॥४/३/३०-३४॥
This person must have studied  Vyakarana (grammar) well. Although he spoke a lot, not a single word was wrongly used. No wrong gestures were made in the mouth,eyes,fore-head, eye-lashes and other limbs. He speaks not too much in detail yet not ambiguously, not too fast, not too slow. He speaks with a medium tone that emanates from the chest and the throat. He speaks in an enchanting auspicious manner. Even an enemy who has raised his sword will be pleased by his colourful speech which emanates from the three regions(Chest,throat and head).

गर्भस्थजन्तोरिव शल्यकृन्तः ।५/२८/६॥
- - - like a surgeon cuts the limbs of a (lifeless) foetus in the womb.

Physiognomy , body proportions and anatomy

विपुलांसो महाबाहुः कम्बुग्रीवः शुभाननः ।
गूढजत्रुः सुताम्राक्षो रामो नाम जनैः श्रुतः ॥
दुन्दुभिस्वननिर्घोषः स्निग्धवर्णः प्रतापवान् ।
समश्च सुविभक्ताङ्गो वर्णं श्यामं समाश्रितः ॥
त्रिस्थिरः त्रिप्रलंबश्च त्रिसमस्त्रिषु चोन्नतः ।
त्रिताम्रस्त्रिषु च स्निग्धः गंभीरस्त्रिषु नित्यशः ॥
त्रिवलीमान् त्र्यवनतः चतुर्व्यङ्गः त्रिशीर्षवान् ।
चतुष्कलश्चतुर्लेखः चतुष्किष्कुश्चतुस्समः ॥
चतुर्दशसमद्वन्द्वः चतुर्दंष्ट्रश्चतुर्गतिः ।
महोष्ठहनुनासश्च पञ्चस्निग्धोऽष्टवंशवान् ॥
दशपद्मो दशबृहत् त्रिभिर्व्याप्तो द्विशुक्लवान् ।
षडुन्नतो नवतनुः त्रिभिर्व्याप्नोति राघवः ॥५/३५/१६-२०॥
Called by people by the name Rama, he has broad shoulders. long arms, auspicious face, hidden collar-bone, fine coppery eyes, has a voice like that of a dundubhi drum, has an oily colour, has well-proportioned limbs and is dark in colour. He has stiffness in three ( chest, wrist and fist); three of his parts are long (eye-brows, arms and testicles); three of his parts are levelled (hair lock, testicles and knees); three of his parts are elevated (abdomen, chest and navel); has three parts looking coppery ( edges of eyes, nails and palms and soles); has three parts slippery (hair, lines on the soles, tip of the genital); has gravity in three parts (voice, navel and gait); has three folds (in neck and in abdomen); three of his parts are depressed ( the middle of the soles, lines on the soles, nipples); small in four parts ( neck, genital, hips and shanks); his head has three of a distinctive feature (three whorls); has four lines (at the root of the thumb) a feature indicating that he is well versed in the four Vedas; has four lines (on the forehead indicating long life); his height is four kishkus ( 24 angulas make a kishku); has four pairs of equal size (cheeks, arms, thighs and shanks); has fourteen well matched pairs (eyebrows, nostrils, eyes, ears, lips, nipples, elbows, wrists, knees, testicles, loins, hands, feet and thighs); has four   canine teeth, has four gaits ( resembling those of lion, bull, elephant and tiger); has heavy lips, jaws and nose; has five aspects smooth ( speech, face, teeth, skin and hair); has ten features resembling lotus (  face, eyes, mouth, tongue, palate, lips, breasts, nails, hands and legs); has ten broad limbs ( head, fore head, ears, neck, chest, heart, abdomen, hands and legs); he is renowned for three of his qualities ( brilliance, fame and wealth); he is white ( pure) in two aspects (paternal and maternal ancestry); six of his limbs are elevated ( sides, chest, abdomen, nose, shoulders and forehead); nine of his limbs are thin, sharp or smooth ( hair on the head, moustache, beard, body-hair, skin, nails, finger joints, genital and intellect); He attends to dharma,artha and kama in three parts of the day ( morning, forenoon and afternoon ). [ 1.Valmiki has constructed these verses like a riddle for his future commentators to unravel and the commentators seem to have successfully done their job. They extensively quote from Samudrikashastra to support their unravelling. 2. There are some inconsistencies in the above description. Commentators take pains to explain them.]

यकृत्प्लीहमथोत्पीडं हृदयं च सबन्धनम् ।
अन्त्राण्यपि तथा शीर्षं खादेयमिति मे मतिः ॥५/२४/४०॥
I think I should eat the liver, spleen, the heart with its connections, the intestines and the head.

सत्यनामानि पद्मानि स्त्रीणामुक्तानि लक्षणैः ।
तान्यद्य निहते रामे वितथानि भवन्ति मे ॥
केशाः सूक्ष्माः समा नीला भ्रुवौ चासंहते मम ।
वृत्ते चारोमशे जङ्घे दन्ताश्चाविरला मम ॥
शङ्खे नेत्रे करौ पादौ गुल्फौ ऊरू च मे चितौ ।
अनुवृत्तनखाः स्निग्धाः समाश्चाङ्गुलयो मम ॥
स्तनौ चाविरलौ पीनौ ममेमौ मग्नचूचुकौ ।
मग्ना चोत्सङ्गिनी नाभिः पार्श्वोरस्काश्च मे चिताः ॥
ममवर्णो मणिनिभः मृदून्यङ्गरुहाणि च ।
प्रतिष्ठितां द्वादशभिः मामूचुः शुभलक्षणाम् ॥
समग्रयवमच्छिद्रं पाणिपादं च वर्णवत् ।
मन्दस्मितेत्येव च मां कन्यालक्षणिनो द्विजाः ॥६/४८/८-१३॥
The truthful lotus marks for a (divine) woman have become false now that Rama is dead. My hair is fine dark and uniform, my eye-brows are not joined, my shanks are hairless and round, me teeth are closely set, the forehead bones, eyes, hands, feet, ankles and thighs are even shaped, my nails are rounded and my fingers are glossy and even. My breasts are heavy and close together and my nipples are depressed. The navel is deep and my breasts and flanks are well developed. My colour is that of a pearl and my body-hair is very soft. The Brahmins who know the marks of girls told me that I have very auspicious marks and would be smiling as my toes and the sole of the feet touch the ground evenly.
- - - -

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The World of Valmiki-15

The World of Valmiki-15


धनुरादाय सगुणं खनित्रपिटकाधरः ।
अग्रतस्ते गमिष्यामि पन्थानं तव दर्शयन् ॥२/३१/२५॥
Carrying a stringed bow, a pickaxe and a basket I will go in front showing you the way.

तत्रासीत् पिङ्गलो गार्ग्यः त्रिजटो नाम वै द्विजः ।
क्षत्रवृत्तिः वने नित्यं फालकुदाललाङ्गली ॥२/३२/२९॥
There was a Brahmin of Gargya lineage by name Trijata pale in colour who had lost his (normal) means of livelihood and who carried an axe, a spade and a ploughshare.

केचित् कुठारैः टङ्कैश्च दात्रैः छिन्दन् क्वचित् क्वचित् ।२/८०/६॥
Some cut them down with axes, hatchets and sickles.


दंष्ट्राभिः बहुभिः शूरैः शूलपट्टिशपाणिभिः ।
रक्षितां राक्षसैर्घोरैः गुहामाशिविषैरिव ।।५/२/२५॥
(He saw the city), which was protected by terrible looking tusked rakshasa's wielding Shoola (spike) and pattisha in the manner a cave is protected by snakes. 

शक्तिवृक्षायुधांश्चैव शूलपट्टिशधारिणः ।
क्षेपणीपाशहस्तान्श्च ददर्श स महाकपिः ॥५/४/२१॥
The great monkey saw them carrying Shakti, trees, Shoola, pattisha, kshepani(javelin) and paasha( perhaps a leather-whip).

शरानथ त्रीन् कपिमूर्ध्न्यताडयत् ।५/४७/१४॥
(Aksha), who was well versed in fixing his gaze on the target, to fit an arrow to the bow and release it hit the head of the monkey with
three arrows.

तत्रेषूपलयन्त्राणि बलवन्ति महान्ति च ।६/३/१२॥
There were strong and large mechanical contrivances (catapults) which could throw darts and stones.

शतशो रचिता वीरैः शतघ्न्यो रक्षसां गणैः ।६/३/१३॥
Hundreds of Shataghnee's (Literally mens "kills in hundreds". Thought to be a spiked heavy iron ball.) have been manufactured by the brave rakshasa's.

द्वारेषु तासां चत्वारः संक्रमाः परमायताः ।
यन्त्रैरुपेता बहुभिः महद्भिः गृहपङ्क्तिभिः ॥६/३/१५॥
At the gate ways there are four draw-bridges which have several mechanical contrivances and great rows of houses.

अभिलक्ष्येण तीव्रेण कुम्भेन निशितैः शरैः ।
आचितास्ते द्रुमा रेजुः यथा घोराः शतघ्नयः ।६/७६/६८॥
The trees covered all over by the arrows shot by the fierce Kumbha looked like terrible shataghnees.

असिभिः पटिशैः शूलैः गदाभिः मुसलैः हलैः ।
शक्तिभिः तीक्ष्णधाराभिः महद्भिः कूटमुद्गरैः ॥
यष्टिभिः विविधैः चक्रैः निशितैश्च परश्वधैः ।
भिन्दिपालैः शतघ्नीभिः अन्यैश्चापि वरायुधैः ॥६/९५/२५-२६॥
(The rakshasas came out roaring) carrying swords, pattishas, spikes, maces, long wooden pestles, ploughs, sharp edged spears, hammers, staff of varied kind, discuses, sharp battle axes, slings, shataghnees and other valued weapons.


तं प्रयान्तं मुनिवरमन्वयादनुसारिणाम् ।
शकटीशतमात्रं च प्रयाणे ब्रह्मवादिनाम् ॥१/३१/१७॥
Hundreds of carts of his Brahmin(Vedic exponents) followers followed the great sage (Viswamitra) on his journey.

समाहिता वेदविदो ब्राह्मणा वृत्तसम्मताः।
गोरथैर्भरतं यान्तमनुजग्मुर्महात्मनः ॥ २/८३/१६॥
The great Brahmins, who were versed in the Vedas, who were respected for their conduct and and were composed followed Bharata in bullock carts.

Rural folk

ज्ञातयश्चापि योधाश्च मित्राणि सुहृदश्च नः ।
त्वामेव हि प्रतीक्षन्ते  पर्जन्यमिव कर्षकाः ।२/११२/१२॥
Our relatives, soldiers and friends are waiting for you like farmers look forward to the rains.

Hermit and hermitage


वैखानसा वालखिल्या सम्प्रक्षाला मरीचिपाः ।
अश्मकुट्टाश्च बहवः पत्राहाराश्च तापसाः ॥
दन्तोलूखिलिनश्चैव तथैवोन्मजकाः परे ।
गात्रशय्या अशय्याश्च तथैवानवकाशिकाः ॥
मुनयः सलिलाहारा वायुभक्षास्तथापरे ।
आकाशनिलयाश्चैव तथा स्थण्डिलशायिनः ।
तथोर्ध्ववासिनो दान्ताः तथार्द्रपटवाससः ।
सजपाश्च तपोनिष्ठाः तथा पञ्चतपोऽन्विताः ॥३/६/२-५॥
The Vaikhanasas (born of Brahma's nails), Valakhilyas ( born of Brahma;s hair), sages who washed their vessels without keeping anything for another time, those who lived off leaves, those who lived on suns rays, those who powdered grains by stones for their food, those who who used teeth as mortar and pestle, those who did penance in water, those who used their own limbs as bed, those who never used a bed, those who had no spare time due to their penances, those who took water for food, those who lived off air only, those for whom open-sky was the residence, those who slept on ground, those  who lived in high altitudes, those who lived wearing a wet cloth, those who were engrossed in their penances, those who did penance sitting at the centre of four fires and looking at the sun, (all these came and met Rama.)


स तत्र ब्रह्मणः स्थानं अग्नेः स्थानं तथैव च ।
विष्णोः स्थानं महेन्द्रस्य स्थानं चैव विवस्वतः ॥
सोमस्थानं भगस्थानं स्थानं कौबेरमेव च ।
धातुः विधातुः स्थानं च वायोः स्थानं तथैव च ॥
स्थानं च पाशहस्तस्य वरुणस्य महात्मनः ।
स्थानं तथैव गायत्र्याः वसूनां स्थानमेव च ॥
स्थानं च नागराजस्य गरुडस्थानमेव च ।
कार्तिकेयस्य च स्थानं धर्मस्थानं च पश्यति ॥३/१२/१८-२१॥
He sees there the altars for Brahma, Agni, Vishnu, Indra, Sun-god, Moon-god, Bhaga (A form of Siva?), Kubera (God of the North), Dhata (?),Vidhata(?), Vayu (Wind-god), Varuna (Water-god) wielding a pasha (noose), Gayatri, Vasu's, Nagaraja(Serpent-king), Garuda (King of birds), Kartikeya (son of Siva) and Dharma (God of Death).

Friday, March 9, 2012

The World of Valmiki-14

The World of Valmiki-14
Products, metals,currency,tools and weapons
Artefacts and Products
इष्टका बहुसाहस्री शीघ्रमानीयतामिति ।१/१३/९॥
Let thosands of bricks be quickly brought.

प्रकाशकरणार्थं च निशागमनशङ्कया ।
दीपवृक्षान्स्तथा चक्रुः अनुरथ्यासु सर्वशः ॥२/६/१८॥
Anticipating the arrival of evening, citizens set up lamps on trees all over the city on all roads.

तां शून्यशृङ्गाटक वेश्मरथ्याम् ।
रजोऽरुणद्वारकवाटयन्त्राम् |
दृष्ट्वा पुरीमिन्द्रपुरीप्रकाशां
दुःखेन सम्पूर्णतरो बभूव ॥२/७१/४५॥
He was completely filled with grief seeing in Indrapuri-like city, empty city-squares, residences and roads and seeing the mechanical gates of the city red with dust.

सुवर्णकोणाभिहतः प्राणदद्यामदुन्दुभिः ।२/८१/२॥
The dundubhi drum sounded every yaama (three hours) struck by a Golden drum-stick.

छत्रं शतशलाकं च दिव्यमाल्योपशोभितम् ।
भग्नदण्डमिदं सौम्य भूमौ कस्य निपातितम् ॥३/६४/४५॥
Whose is this canopy with a hundred ribs, decorated by flowers and with its shaft broken lying here?

दिव्यां भद्रासनयुताम् शिबिकां स्यन्दनोपमाम् ।
पक्षिकर्मभिराचित्रां द्रुमकर्मविभूषिताम् ।
आचितां चित्रपत्तीभिः सुनिविष्टां समन्ततः ॥
विमानमिव सिद्धानां जालवातायनावृताम् ।
सुनियुक्तां विशालां च सुकृतां विश्वकर्मणा ॥
दारुपर्वतकोपेतां चारुकर्मपरिष्कृताम् ।
वराभरणहारैश्च चित्रमाल्योपशोभिताम् ॥
गुहागहनसंछन्नां रक्तचन्दनरूषिताम् ।
पुष्पोघैः समभिच्छन्नां पद्ममालाभिरेव च ॥
तरुणादित्यवर्णाभिर्भ्राजमानाभिरावृताम् ।
ईदृशीं शिबिकां दृष्ट्वा रामो लक्ष्मणमब्रवीत् ॥४/२५/२२-२६॥
The palanquin was like a chariot divine and provided with an auspicious seat. It was embellished with etchings of birds and decorated by wood-works. It had pictures on its walls and well framed all around. Like the flying vehicles of Siddha's it had ventilators. It was strongly constructed, broad and made by carpenters. It had figures of mountains made of wood. It was  decorated by stringed jewels and varied flowers.
It was covered on  all sides like a cave and smeared with red sandal, with flowers and garlands of lotuses which had the hue of early morning sun. Seeing such a palanquin Rama spoke to Lakshmana.

Metals and currency

दशकोटीः सुवर्णस्य रजतस्य चतुर्गुणम् ।१/१४/५१॥
(the king gave away to the Brahmins) 10 crores of Gold coins and four times that of Silver coins.

ताम्रं कार्ष्णायसं चैव तैक्ष्ण्यादेवाभिजायत ।१/३४/१९॥
Copper and Iron came into existence out of the heat.

नागः शत्रुञ्जयो नाम मातुलोऽयं ददौ मम ।
तं ते निष्कसहस्रेण(गजसहस्रेण)ददामि द्विजपुङ्गव ॥२/३२/१०॥
My maternal uncle gave me this elephant by name Shantrunjaya. I am giving you this along with one thousand nishka's(Gold coins).

मलं तत्राभवत् तस्य त्रपुसीसकमेव च ।१/३४/२०॥
There the refuse became Lead and Tin.

परित्यक्तो भयैः सर्वैः खनिभिश्चोपशोभितः ।२/१००/४५॥
(Ayodhya) which is devoid of any sort of fear and is endowed with mines.

जग्राह गिरिशृङ्गाभं परिघं रोमहर्षणम् ।
आयसैः शंकुभिस्तीक्ष्णैः कीर्णं परवसोक्षितम् ।३/२६/११॥
He wielded a terrifying parigha which was like a hill-peak and which had on it iron pikes and had the fat of enemies smeared on it.

आयसं परिघं गृह्य तानि रक्षांस्यसूदयम् ।५/५७/१५७॥
I killed those rakshasa's with an iron door-bolt.

हैमराजतकांस्यानां भाजनानां च राशयः ।४/५०/३४॥
Heaps of vessels made of Gold,Silver and Bronze.
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Friday, March 2, 2012

The World of Valmiki-13

The World of Valmiki-13
राजीवहेमज्वलनोपमानि ।
वामामि नेत्राणि समं स्फुरन्ति ॥४/५/३३॥
At the very moment when Sugriva and Rama became friends, the left eyes of Sita whose eyes were like lotus, of Vali whose eyes were golden and of Ravana whose eyes were like fire quivered.

तस्याः शुभं वाममरालपक्ष्म-
-राजीवृतं कृष्णविशालशुक्लम् ।
प्रास्पन्दतैकं नयनं सुकेश्या
मीनाहतं पद्ममिवाभिताम्रम् ॥
भुजश्च चार्वञ्चितपीनवृत्तः
परार्घ्यकालागरुचन्दनार्हः ।
अनुत्तमेनाध्युषितः प्रियेण
चिरेण वामः समवेपताशु ॥
गजेन्द्रहस्तप्रतिमश्च पीनः
तयोःर्द्वयोः संहतयोः सुजातः ।
प्रस्पन्दमानः पुनरूरुरस्या
रामं पुरस्तात् स्थितमाचचक्षे ॥
शुभं पुनर्हेमसमानवर्णम्
ईषद्रजोध्वस्तमिवामलाक्ष्याः ।
वासः स्थितायाः शिखराग्रदत्याः
किञ्चित् परिस्रंसत चारुगात्र्याः ॥५/२९/२-५॥
The left eye of fine-haired Sita, which was dark at the middle and white at the periphery and which was covered by the slanted dense eye lashes quivered like a coppery lotus struck by fish. Her left shoulder, which was beautiful, bent, large and curved and which deserved precious black aguru and chandan and which supported (earlier) her lover non-pareil(Rama) quivered fast for long. The left one of her well formed thighs resembling the trunk of an elephant shook as if announcing that Rama is in front of her. The  unsullied dress, which was golden but slightly covered by dust, of Sita whose teeth resembled pomegranate-like pearls and who had charming limbs, slightly slipped.

यदाप्रभृति वैदेही सम्प्राप्तेमां पुरीं तव ।
तदाप्रभृति दृश्यन्ते निमित्तान्यशुभानि नः ॥
सस्फुलिङ्गः सधूमार्चिः सधूमकलुषोदयः ।
मन्त्रसन्धुक्षितोऽप्यग्निः न सम्यगभिवर्धते ॥
अग्निष्ठेष्वग्निशालासु तथा ब्रह्मस्थलीषु च ।
सरीसृपाणि दृश्यन्ते हव्येषु च पिपीलिकाः ॥
गवां पयांसि स्कन्नानि विमदा वीरकुञ्जराः ।
दीनमश्वाः प्रहेषन्ते न च ग्रासाभिनन्दिनः ॥
खरोष्टाश्वतरा राजन् भिन्नरोमाः स्रवन्ति नः ।
न स्वभावेऽवतिष्ठन्ते विधानैरपि चिन्तिताः ॥
वायसाः सङ्घशः क्रूराः व्याहरन्ति समन्ततः ।
समवेताश्च दृश्यन्ते विमानाग्रेषु सङ्घशः ॥
गृध्राश्च परिलीयन्ते पुरीमुपरि पिण्डिताः ।
उपपन्नाश्च सन्ध्ये द्वे व्याहरन्त्यशिवं शिवाः ॥
क्रव्यादानां मृगाणां च पुरद्वारेषु सङ्घशः ।
श्रूयन्ते विपुला घोषाः सविस्फूर्जितनिस्वनाः ॥ ६/१०/१४-२१ ॥
Ever since Sita came to this city  of yours, bad omens are being seen. Fires even when properly sprinkled through chants are full of smoke and sparks and do not glow properly. Reptiles are seen in fire places, fire-chambers and places of Vedic offerings. Ants are seen in substances meant for offering to fire. The milk of cows curdles and fearless elephants are without their rutting. Horses neigh pitiably and do not relish their fodder. O king, our donkeys, camels and mules have their hair split and loose even when attended to with much thought. Crows assemble in groups cawing harshly on tops of spires. Vultures in groups hover over the city. Both in the morning and evening jackals howl ominously. At the doors of the city, loud roars of carnivorous animals in groups are heard accompnied with thunder.

वाताश्च कलुषा वान्ति कम्पते च वसुन्धरा ।
पर्वताग्राणि वेपन्ते पतन्ति च महीरुहाः ॥
मेघाः क्रव्यादसङ्काशाः परुषाः परुषस्वनाः ।
क्रूराः क्रूरं प्रवर्षन्ति मिश्रं शोणितबिन्दुभिः ॥
रक्तचन्दनसङ्काशा सन्ध्या परमदारुणा ।
ज्वलतः प्रपतत्येतदादित्यादग्निमण्डलम् ॥
दीना दीनस्वरा क्रूराः सर्वतो मृगपक्षिणः ।
प्रत्यादित्यं विनर्दन्ति जनयन्तो महद्भयम् ॥
रजन्यामप्रकाशस्तु सन्तापयति चन्द्रमाः ।
कृष्णरक्तांशुपर्यन्तो लोकक्षय इवोदितः ।
ह्रस्वो रूक्षोऽप्रशस्तश्च परिवेषः सुलोहितः ॥
आदित्ये विमले नीलं लक्ष्म लक्ष्मण दृश्यते ।
रजसा महता चापि नक्षत्राणि हतानि च ।
युगान्तमिव लोकानां पश्य शंसन्ति लक्ष्मण ॥
काकाः श्येनास्तथा गृध्रा नीचैः परिपतन्ति च ।
शिवाश्चाप्यशिवान्नादान्नदन्ति सुमहाभयान् ॥६/२३/४-१२ ॥
Polluted winds blow. Earth shakes.The peaks of hills tremble.Trees fall down. Cruel clouds roar menacingly like carnivorous beasts and pour rain mixed with blood. Evenings resembling red sandal are very freightening. Moon with blackish red rays is without its brightness creating distress as if world's end is nearing. There is a deep red halo around the sun which is narrow, harsh and inauspicious. O Lakshmana, dark marks are seen on the (otherwise) spotless sun. ( Sun-spots?) Stars are covered with dust and are dull as if proclaiming the end of the world. Crows, eagles and vultures are falling down. Jackals howl frighteningly and inauspiciously.

उत्पातान् विविधान् दृष्ट्वा घोरान् बहुविधान्स्तथा ।
विनाशमनुपश्यामि सर्वेषां रक्षसामहम् ॥
खराभिस्तनिता घोरा मेघाः प्रतिभयङ्कराः ।
शोणितानाभिवर्षन्ति लङ्कामुष्णेन सर्वतः ॥
रुदतां वाहनानां च प्रपतन्त्यस्रबिन्दवः ।
ध्वजा ध्वस्ता विवर्णाश्च न प्रभान्ति यथा पुरा ॥
व्याला गोमायवो गृध्रा वाश्यन्ति च सुभैरवम् ।
प्रविश्य लङ्कामनिशं समवायान्श्च कुर्वते ॥
कालिकाः पाण्डरैर्दन्तैः प्रहसन्त्यग्रतः स्थिताः ।
स्त्रियः स्वप्नेषु मुष्णन्त्यो गृहाणि प्रतिभाष्य च ॥
गृहाणां बलिकर्माणि श्वानः पर्युपभुञ्जते ।
खरा गोषु प्रजायन्ते मूषिकाः नकुलैः सह ॥
मार्जाराः द्वीपिभिः सार्धं सूकराः शुनकैः सह ।
किन्नरा राक्षसैश्चापि समीयुर्मानुषैः सह ॥
पाण्डुरा रक्तपादाश्च विहङ्गाः कालचोदिताः ।
राक्षसानां विनाशाय कपोता विचरन्ति च ॥
वीचीकूचीति वाश्तन्त्यः शारिका वेश्मसु स्थिताः ॥
पतन्ति ग्रथिताश्चापि निर्जिताः कलहैषिणः ।
पक्षिणश्च मृगाः सर्वे प्रत्यादित्यं रुदन्ति च ॥
करालो विकटो मुण्डः परुषः कृष्णपिङ्गलः ।
कालो गृहाणि सर्वेषां काले कालेऽन्ववेक्षते ॥६/३५/२५-३५ ॥
After witnessing varied dangerous portents I foresee destruction of all the Rakshasa's. Clouds with threatening thunder rain hot blood over Lanka. Animals which carry loads shed tears. Flags are colourless and are drooping and do not shine like before. Often preying animals, jackals and vultures assemble and enter Lanka howling in a threatening manner. Dark women with white teeth appear in dreams pillaging houses and talking loudly. The bali offerings made at residences are eaten by dogs.

लोकक्षयकरं भीमं भयं पश्याम्युपस्थितम् ।
निबर्हणं प्रवीराणां ॠक्षवानररक्षसाम् ॥
वाताश्च परुषा वान्ति कम्पते च वसुन्धरा ।
पर्वताग्राणि वेपन्ते पतन्ति धरणीरुहाः ॥
मेघाः क्रव्यादसङ्काशाः परुषाः परुषस्वनाः ।
क्रूराः क्रूरं प्रवर्षन्ति मिश्रं शोणितबिन्दुभिः ॥
रक्तचन्दनसङ्काशा सन्ध्या परमदारुणा ।
ज्वलच्च निपत्येतदादित्यादग्निमण्डलम् ॥
आदित्यमभिवाश्यन्ति जनयन्तो महद्भयम् ।
दीना दीनस्वरा घोरा अप्रशस्ता मृगद्विजाः ॥
रजन्यामप्रकाशश्च सन्तापयति चन्द्रमाः ।
कृष्णरक्तान्तपर्यन्तो यथा लोकस्य संक्षये ॥
ह्रस्वो रूक्षोऽप्रशस्तश्च परिवेषः सुलोहितः ॥
आदित्यमण्डले नीलं लक्ष्म लक्ष्मण दृश्यते ।
दृश्यन्ते न यथावच्च नक्षत्राण्यभिवर्तते ।
युगान्तमिव लोकस्य पश्य लक्ष्मण शंसति ॥
काकाः श्येनास्तथा गृध्राः नीचैः परिपतन्ति च ।
शिवाश्चाप्यशिवा वाचः प्रवदन्ति महास्वनाः ॥६/४१/१२-२० ॥
I see a terrible disaster which will bring destruction to the world killing the  brave bears, monkeys and rakshasa's. Polluted winds blow. Earth shakes. The peaks of hills tremble. Trees fall down. Clouds with threatening sounds like those of wild beasts pour rain mixed with blood. The evenings are very fearsome with a dark red glow. Glowing orb of fire falls from the sun. Inauspicious poor  animals and birds sound pitiably around the sun creating great fear. Moon does not shine at nights and creates distress. Like at the end of the world there is a deep red halo around the sun which appears narrow, fierce and dark red at the ends. O Lakshmana, dark spot is seen in the orb of the sun. The stars do not appear normal. It appears as if it is foreboding that the end of the world is near. Crows, eagles and vultures arre falling down. The jackals are loudly and inauspiciously howling.
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