Saturday, May 28, 2016

Varadarajastava of AppayyadikShita-11


मध्ये स्फुरन्मकरतोरणमण्डलस्य
चामीकराभरणभूषितसर्वगात्रः ।
भासा भवाननुकरोति भवन्तमेव ॥ २९ ॥
अ: स्फुरत्-मकर-तोरण-मण्डलस्य मध्ये चामीकर-आभरण-भूषित-सर्व-गात्रः भवान् सुवर्णभासा आ-प्रपदात् आदित्य-बिम्ब-गतं भवन्तम् एव अनुकरोति ।
With your whole body being adorned in Gold at the centre of the shark-shaped arched door-way, you resemble yourself occupying the orb of the sun with Golden lustre.
Note: The reference is to an Upanishadic statement which speaks of Narayana of Golden hue in the centre of Sun’s orb.

भूषामणिप्रकरदर्शितसर्ववर्णम् ।
त्वां विश्वरूपवपुषेव जनं समस्तं
पश्यामि नागगिरिनाथ कृतार्थयन्तम् ॥ ३० ॥
अ: नागगिरि-नाथ ! सेवा-रस-आगत-सुर-आदि-अनुबिम्ब-दृश्यं भूषा-मणि-प्रकर-दर्शित-सर्व-वर्णं त्वां विश्व-रूप-वपुषा इव समस्तं जनं कृतार्थयन्तं पश्यामि ।
O Lord of the elephant-hill ! With pictures of divine beings who have come to serve you and with ornamental gems reflecting all the colours, I feel you are fulfilling all people’s desires by showing yourself  in your cosmic form. [The poet sees the Cosmic form, seen by Arjuna in Bhagavadgita episode, in the deity as there are pictures of divine beings having come to serve him and the ornamental gems reflect multi-colours.]

न्यङ्गेषु देव तव भूषणमौक्तिकानि ।
प्रत्यक्षयन्ति भवतः प्रतिरोमकूप-
विश्रान्तसान्द्रजगदण्डसहस्रशोभाम् ॥ ३१ ॥
अ : देव ! तव अङ्गेषु शृङ्गीसुवर्ण-रुचि-पिञ्जरित-एक-भागानि भूषण-मौक्तिकानि भवतः प्रति-रोम-कूप-विश्रान्त-सान्द्र-जगत्-अण्ड-सहस्र-शोभां प्रत्यक्षयन्ति ।
Lord ! the ornamental gems which are coloured reddish-yellow on one side due to the lustre of ornamental Gold on your limbs provide a direct experience of the lustre of your Cosmic form where every hair follicle displayed thousands of universes. 
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Monday, May 23, 2016

Varadarajastava of Appayaadikshita-10


मन्ये महेन्द्रमणिवृन्दमनोहरं ते ।
त्वद्रागदीपितहृदां त्वरितं वधूनां
प्राप्ते सरित्सहचरं प्रलयेऽभिवृद्धम् ॥ २६ ॥
अ: ते महेन्द्र-मणि-वृन्द-मनोहरम् आपूरित-त्रिभुवन-उदरम् अंशुजालं त्वत्-राग-दीपित-हृदां वधूनां प्रलये प्राप्ते त्वरितम् अभिवृद्धं सरित्-सहचरं मन्ये ।
I consider that your lustre which is as graceful as that of sapphire and which expands to fill the cavity of the three world is the ocean which has expanded on account of the pralaya ( swooning, dissolution of the world) experienced by the maidens who are smitten by your beauty.
Note: The poet plays on the word pralaya, which means “swooning” applicable to the smitten maidens and also means “dissolution of the world” which is applicable to the expanding ocean of lustre.

युक्त्यागमेन च भवान् शशिवर्ण एव
निष्कृष्टसत्त्वगुणमात्रविवर्तमूर्तिः ।
धत्ते कृपाम्बुभरतस्त्विषमैन्द्रनीलीं
शुभ्रोऽपि साम्बुरसितः खलु दृश्यतेऽब्दः ॥ २७ ॥
अ: निष्कृष्ट-सत्त्व-गुण-मात्र-विवर्त-मूर्तिः भवान् युक्त्या आगमेन च शशि-वर्णः एव कृपा-अम्बु-भरतः ऐन्द्र-नीलीं त्विषं धत्ते । अब्दः शुभ्रः अपि स-अम्बुः अ-सितः दृश्यते खलु ।
 You have the blue colour of sapphire on account of bearing the water of compassion, although you are white in colour like the moon in practice and also as per the Vedas, being the solidified quality of sattva, bereft  of rajas and tamas.  Cloud although white in colour looks dark indeed when it bears water.

विश्वैकनायक विभूषणधारणं ते ।
वीक्षे तवैव विषयादिकुतूहलेन ॥ २८ ॥
अ: विश्व-एक-नायक ! सर्व-अतिशायि-सहज-द्युति-भूषितस्य ते विभूषण-धारणं अपार-सुख-अम्बु-राशेः तव विषय-आदि-कुतूहलेन आबद्ध-सौहृदम् एव इति वीक्षे ।

O sole chief of the world! I look at your wearing ornaments as associated with your curiosity to experience the pleasures of the world, although you are adorned with a natural lustre which excels everything else and you are a boundless ocean of joy. 
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Saturday, May 14, 2016

Varadarajastava of Appayyadikshita-9


यत्प्राणसंयमजुषां यमिनां मनांसि
मूर्तिं विशन्ति तव माधव कुम्भकेन ।
लावण्यसिन्धुतरणाय तदित्यवैमि ॥ २३ ॥
अ: माधव ! प्राण-संयम-जुषां यमिनां मनांसि कुम्भकेन तव मूर्तिं विशन्ति इति यत्, तत् प्रत्यङ्ग-मूर्छत्-अतिवेल-महा-प्रवाह-लावण्य-सिन्धु-तरणाय इति अवैमि ।
 O madhava ! I believe that minds of ascetics who control their breath enter your form through kumbhaka mainly to cross the stream of beauty which is overflowing spreading in every limb of yours.
Notes: Kumbhaka is a technical word in Yoga associated with breath control (Pranayama). Pranayama (controlled breathing) consists of three parts, puraka ( inhaling), kumbhaka ( retaining the inhaled breath) and rechaka (exhaling). The poet plays a pun on the word Kumbhaka, as kumbha suggests a pitcher which can be used to cross a river.      

लावण्यसागरभुवि प्रणयं विशेषात्
दुग्धाम्बुराशिदुहितुस्तव तर्कयामि ।
यत्तां बिभर्षि वपुषा निखिलेन लक्ष्मीम्
अन्यां तु केवलमधोक्षज वक्षसैव ॥ २४ ॥
अ: अधोक्षज ! तव दुग्ध-अम्बु-राशि-दुहितुः लावण्य-सागर-भुवि विशेषात् प्रणयम् इति तर्कयामि यत् तां लक्ष्मीं निखिलेन वपुषा बिभर्षि, अन्यां तु केवलं वक्षसा एव ।
O Vishnu, I surmise that you are very much attracted by the ocean of beauty of your consort  who is the daughter of the Ocean of milk as you carry her all over your body while you carry Lakshmi only on your chest.[ You carry her beauty all over your body while you carry her only on your chest.]

सारस्वतं वदनपद्मभुवं प्रवाहं
त्रैस्रोतसं च तव पादभुवं निरीक्ष्य ।
ईर्ष्यावतीश यमुना किमु कायकान्तिः ॥ २५ ॥
 अ: ईश ! तव सर्व-प्रतीक-निकरात् अजस्रं प्रवहन्ती काय-कान्तिः वदन-पद्म-भुवं सारस्वतं प्रवाहं पादभुवं त्रैस्रोतसं च निरीक्ष्य ईर्ष्यावती यमुना किमु?
O Lord ! Is the lustre of your body, which is eternally flowing from all your limbs, river Yamuna having become jealous of the fact that all the knowledge emanates from the lotus-like mouth and river Ganga emanates from your feet?

Notes:  The poet plays a pun on Saarasvata. While  Saraswati is associated with the mouth of Vishnu and Ganga with his foot, Yamuna which is dark like the body of Vishnu is all over his body.
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Saturday, May 7, 2016

Varadarajastava of Appayyadikshita-8


मोहं जगत्त्रयभुवामपनेतुमेतत्
आदाय रूपमखिलेश्वर देहभाजाम् ।
मोहं विवर्धयसि मुग्धविलोचनानाम् ॥ २० ॥
अ: अखिलेश्वर! जगत्-त्रय-भुवां मोहम् अपनेतुम् देहभाजां रूपम् आदाय अमुना एव निःसीम-कान्ति-रस-नीरधिना मुग्ध-विलोचनानां मोहं विवर्धयसि ।
O Lord of the universe! Having assumed human form for the purpose of eradicating the delusion existing in the three worlds, you are increasing the delusion of ladies of innocent looks by the endless ocean of lustre of this form of yours.

उच्छेदमेकविषयात्कथयन्ति बोधात्
मोहस्य ये खलु कथं न मृषावदास्ते ।
लावण्यमीश तव यन्नयनैर्निपीय
तत्रैव मोहमधिकं दधते तरुण्यः ॥ २१ ॥
अ: ईश ! ये मोहस्य उच्छेदम् एकविषयात् बोधात् कथयन्ति ते कथं न मृषा-वदाः, यत् तरुण्यः तव लावण्यं नयनैः निपीय तत्र एव अधिकं मोहं दधते ।
How can they not be tellers of untruth who say that delusion can be cut asunder by concentrating on one thing? Because, after drinking your beauty with their eyes, young women get deluded more.

शुभ्रांशुवक्त्र शुभगोचरलाभतोषात्
संप्रस्थितो मृगदृशां नयनाम्बुजौघः ।
त्वद्भाःसरित्यथ निपत्य बिभर्ति मोहं
प्रायः फलन्ति विफलन्ति च दैवचिन्ताः ॥ २२ ॥
अ: शुभ्र-अंशु-वक्त्र ! शुभ-गोचर-लाभ-तोषात् मृग-दृशां नयन-अम्बुज-ओघः अथ त्वद्-भाः-सरिति निपत्य मोहं बिभर्ति । दैव-चिन्ताः प्रायः फलन्ति विफलन्ति च ।

O moon-faced Lord!  With the joy of gaining an auspicious result, the bunch of lotuses in the form of eyes of doe-eyed ladies become deluded by falling into the river of your lustre. [Believing that something good will happen after perceiving the moon, a group of lotuses proceed only to fall into the river of God’s lustre.] Omens sometimes work out, sometimes do not.
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