द्रोणः पृथिव्यर्जुनभीमदूतो यः कर्णधारः शकुनीश्वरस्य ।
दुर्योधनो भीष्मयुधिष्ठिरः स पायाद् विराडुत्तरगोऽभिमन्युः ॥ ९
अ : यः द्रोणः पृथिवी-अर्जुन-भीम-दूतः शकुनी-ईश्वरस्य कर्णधारः
दुर्योधनः भीष्म-युधिष्ठिरः अभिमन्युः उत्तरगः सः विराट् पायात् ।
May that Supreme Person protect us, who showers (mercy)
like a rain-bearing cloud, for whom the Bright and the Terrible act as
messengers, who acts as a pilot to the Chief of birds, who is invincible and terribly steady in battle, who excels in
sacrificial performances. [ Bhasa, Pancharatram ]
Note : The poet cleverly brings out the names of many
characters in the play, although the meaning of the verse is derived by
interpreting the proper nouns as common nouns.
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