Saturday, December 31, 2016

Invocatory Verses-7


द्रोणः पृथिव्यर्जुनभीमदूतो यः कर्णधारः शकुनीश्वरस्य ।
दुर्योधनो भीष्मयुधिष्ठिरः स पायाद् विराडुत्तरगोऽभिमन्युः ॥ ९ ॥
अ : यः द्रोणः पृथिवी-अर्जुन-भीम-दूतः शकुनी-ईश्वरस्य कर्णधारः दुर्योधनः भीष्म-युधिष्ठिरः अभिमन्युः उत्तरगः सः विराट् पायात् ।
May that Supreme Person protect us, who showers (mercy) like a rain-bearing cloud, for whom the Bright and the Terrible act as messengers, who acts as a pilot to the Chief of birds, who is invincible and  terribly steady in battle, who excels in sacrificial performances. [ Bhasa, Pancharatram ]

Note : The poet cleverly brings out the names of many characters in the play, although the meaning of the verse is derived by interpreting the proper nouns as common nouns.
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Saturday, December 24, 2016

Invocatory Verses-6


जयन्ति बाणासुरमौलिलालिता दशास्यचूडामणिचक्रचुम्बिनः ।
सुरासुराधीशशिखान्तशायिनो भवच्छिदस्त्र्यम्बकपादपांसवः ॥ ६ ॥
अ : बाण-असुर-मौलि-लालिताः दशास्य-चूडामणि-चक्र-चुम्बिनः सुर-असुर-अधीश-शिखा-अन्त-शायिनः भव-छिदः त्र्यम्बक-पाद-पांसवः जयन्ति।
The dust particles under the feet of Shiva, which are caressed by the head of Bana demon, which are kissed by the orb of gems on the head of Ravana , which repose in the locks of hair of chiefs of Suras and Asuras and which cut asunder the cycle of birth and death flourish in all their glory. [ Bana, Kadambari ]

जयत्युपेन्द्रः स चकार दूरतो बिभित्सया यः क्षणलब्धलक्ष्यया ।
दृशैव कोपारुणया रिपोरुरः स्वयं भयाद्भिन्नमिवास्रपाटलम् ॥ ७ ॥
अ : यः क्षण-लब्ध-लक्ष्यया बिभित्सया दूरतः कोप-अरुणया दृशा एव रिपोः उरः स्वयं भयात् भिन्नम् इव चकार सः उपेन्द्रः जयति ।
Vishnu, brother of Indra, who made the chest of demon Hiranyakashipu break on its own due to fear, by looking at it for just an instance with his eyes red with anger with an intent to break it flourishes in all his glory. [ Bana, Kadambari ]
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Saturday, December 17, 2016

Invocatory Verses-5


रजोजुषे जन्मनि सत्त्ववृत्तये स्थितौ प्रजानां प्रलये तमःस्पृशे ।
अजाय सर्गस्थितिनाशहेतवे त्रयीमयाय त्रिगुणात्मने नमः ॥ ५ ॥
अ : प्रजानां जन्मनि रजो-जुषे स्थितौ सत्त्ववृत्तये प्रलये तमः-स्पृशे त्रिगुणात्मने सर्ग-स्थिति-नाश-हेतवे त्रयीमयाय अजाय नमः ।
Salutations to the BirthlessTrinity, manifesting as three qualities of rajas (activity),sattva (knowledge and virtue) and tamas (mental darkness), causing creation, sustenanace and destruction of Beings by assuming the quality of rajas during birth, sattva during sustenance and tamas during annihilation.  [ Bana, Kadambari ]
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Saturday, December 10, 2016

Invocatory Verses-4


वेदान्तेषु यमाहुरेकपुरुषं व्याप्य स्थितं रोदसी
यस्मिन्नीश्वर इत्यनन्यविषयः शब्दो यथार्थाक्षरः ।
अन्तर्यश्च मुमुक्षुभिर्नियमितप्राणादिभिर्मृग्यते
सः स्थाणुः स्थिरभक्तियोगसुलभो निःश्रेयसायास्तु वः ॥ ४ ॥
अ : वेदान्तेषु यं रोदसी व्याप्य स्थितं एकपुरुषं आहुः, यस्मिन् ईश्वरः इति शब्दः अनन्य-विषयः यथार्थ-अक्षरः, यः च नियमितप्राणादिभिः मुमुक्षुभिः अन्तः मृग्यते, सः स्थिर-भक्ति-योग-सुलभः स्थाणुः वः निःश्रेयसाय अस्तु ।
The Vedantas call him as the single entity pervading the Heaven and the Earth; The word “Ishvara” literally denotes him and none else; Those desirous of salvation seek him internally by controlling their breaths. May that Lord Shiva, the immovable, who is easily attainable through steady devotion, lead you all to Final Beatitude. [ Kalidasa, Vikramorvashiyam ]  
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Saturday, December 3, 2016

Invocatory Verses-3

एकैश्वर्ये स्थितोऽपि प्रणतबहुफले यस्स्वयं कृत्तिवासाः
कान्तासम्मिश्रदेहोऽप्यविषयमनसां यः परस्ताद्यतीनाम् ।
अष्टाभिर्यस्य कृत्स्नं जगदपि तनुभिर्बिभ्रतो नाभिमानः
सन्मार्गालोकनाय व्यपनयतु स वस्तामसीं वृत्तिमीशः ॥ ३ ॥
अ : यः प्रणत-बहु-फले एक-ऐश्वर्ये स्थितः अपि स्वयं कृत्ति-वासाः, यः कान्ता-सम्मिश्र-देहः अपि अ-विषय-मनसां यतीनाम् परस्तात्, यस्य अष्टाभिः तनुभिः कृत्स्नं जगत् अपि बिभ्रतः न अभिमानः, सः ईशः सन्मार्ग-अवलोकनाय वः तामसीं वृत्तिं व्यपनयतु । 
Lord Shiva wears a hide for his clothing although he is endowed with all the wealth which bears abundant fruits to those who take refuge in him; He is the greatest of ascetics whose minds are devoid of sensual attractions although his body is partly that of his beloved; He is devoid of pride although he supports the entire universe through his eight-fold forms.  May He destroy your sinful activities in order to guide you in the righteous path.[ Kalidasa, Malavikagnimitramam ]

Notes: The eight-fold forms of the Lord are the same as described in the previous verse. The three invocatory verses above clearly point out that Kalidasa was a worshipper of Shiva. 
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