Saturday, October 25, 2014



णह‍अलवेअपहाविअपवंगहीरन्तसेलसिहरक्खलिआ ।
मग्गाग‍असेलाणं होन्ति मुहुत्तोज्झरा महाण‍इसोत्ता ॥ ६-९१ ॥
[ नभस्तलवेगप्रधावितप्लवंगह्रियमाणशैलशिखरस्खलितानि ।
  मार्गागतशैलानां भवन्ति मुहूर्तं निर्झरा महानदीस्रोतांसि ॥]
The streams of large rivers which get spilled in the sky from the peaks of mountains while being carried by running monkeys become small streams for short moments on the mountains which come in their way.

वेउक्ख‍अदुमणिवहे तडपब्भारणिहणिव्वलन्तजलहरे ।
णेन्ति जरडा‍अवाह‍अदरिविवरणिसण्णग‍अले धरणिहरे ॥ ६-९२ ॥
[ वेगोत्खातद्रुमनिवहांस्तटप्राग्भारनिभनिर्वलमानजलधरान् ।
  नयन्ति जरठातपाहतदरीविवरनिषण्णगजकुलान् धरणीधरान् ॥]
Monkeys carry mountains in which trees get up-rooted due to the speed, where clouds looking like banks of rivers get separated and where herds of elephants take shelter at the mouths of caves exposed to severe sunlight.

धाव‍इ वेअपहाविअपवंगहीरन्तसेलसिहरन्तरिओ ।
छा‍आणुमग्गलग्गो तुरिअं छिण्णा‍अओ व्व मल‍उच्छङ्गो ॥ ६-९३ ॥
[ धावति वेगप्रधावितप्लवंगह्रियमाणशैलशिखरान्तरितः ।
  छायानुमार्गलग्नस्त्वरितं छिन्नातप इव मलयोत्सङ्गः ॥]
Plains of the Malaya mountains, which are in between peaks being carried by the monkeys with speed seem to be running fast in the  manner broken pieces of sun shine follow the shadows (of mountains).

आलोइआ ण दिट्ठा सच्चविआ ण गहिआ समोव‍इएहिम् ।
उम्मूलिआ वि जेहिं तेहिं ण उवहि णिआ क‍ईहि महिहरा ॥ ६-९४ ॥
[ आलोकिता न दृष्टाः सत्यापिता न गृहीताः समवपतितैः ।
  उन्मूलिता अपि यैस्तैर्नोदधिं नीताः कपिभिर्महीधराः ॥]
Mountains which were seen from a distance were not noticed by monkeys simultaneously crowding at them; those marked for carrying were not collected; those which were up-rooted did not reach the ocean.  

भग्गदुमभङ्गभरिओ उक्खित्तविसट्टपडिअमहिहरविसमो ।
पव‍आण उअहिलग्गो लक्खिज्ज‍इ वि‍इअसंकमो व्व ग‍इवहो ॥ ६-९५ ॥
[ भग्नद्रुमभङ्गभृत उत्क्षिप्तविशीर्णपतितमहीधरविषमः ।
  प्लवगानामुदधिलग्नो लक्ष्यते द्वितीयसंक्रम इव गतिपथः ॥]
The path of the monkeys on the ocean containing the broken trees and fallen mountains unevenly look like a second bridge.

वेएण गहिअसेलं वेलाबोलेन्तपडिणिअत्तोव‍इअम् ।
जा‍अं रामाहिमुहं अणुराउप्फुल्ललोअणं क‍इसेण्णम् ॥ ६-९६ ॥
[ वेगेन गृहीतशैलं वेलाव्यतिक्रान्तप्रतिनिवृत्तावपतितम् ।
  जातं रामाभिमुखमनुरागोत्फुल्ललोचनं कपिसैन्यम् ॥]
The army of monkeys, which brought the mountains (to the sea shore) and which travelled into the ocean (due to their speed) and returned stood before Rama with their eyes fully open with love.
। इअ सिरिपववरसेणविर‍इए कालिदासकए दहमुहवहे महाकव्वे
छटुओ आसासओ ॥
[ इति श्रीप्रवरसेनविरचिते कालिदासकृते दशमुखवधे महाकाव्ये
  षष्ठ आश्वासकः ]
Thus ends the sixth chapter in the great epic, “Killing of the Ten-headed” composed by Pravarasena and created by Kalidasa. 
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Saturday, October 18, 2014



णिव्वण्णेऊण चिरं पव‍आ बोलेन्ति महिहरभरक्कन्ता ।
सा‍अरपडिरूआ‍इअं पढमुक्ख‍अविअडमहिहरट्ठाणा‍इम् ॥ ६-८६ ॥
[निर्वर्ण्य चिरं प्लवगा व्यतिक्रामन्ति महीधरभराक्रान्ताः ।
  सागरप्रतिरूपाणि प्रथमोत्खातमहीधरस्थानानि ॥]
Monkeys burdened by the weight of mountains (they are carrying) cross the sea-like gaps created by earlier diggings looking at them.

खणसंधिअमेह‍अडा वेउक्खिप्पन्तगिरिणिरा‍अट्ठविआ ।
परिवड्ढन्ता‍आमा वहन्ति व णहङ्गणे महाण‍इसोत्ता ॥ ६-८७ ॥
[ क्षणसंहितमेघतटानि वेगोत्क्षिप्यमाणगिरिनिरायतस्थापितानि ।
  परिवर्धमानायामानि वहन्तीव नभोऽङ्गणे महानदीस्रोतांसि ॥]
River streams which emanate from mountains being carried and which are getting longer appear to be flowing in the sky while clouds which momentarily come together act as their banks.

सेलेसु सेलतुङ्गा णह‍अलमिलिएसु मिलिअदन्तप्फलिआ ।
पव‍अविहुएसु विहुआ णिव्वडिएसु वि ण णिव्वलन्ति वणग‍आ ॥ ६-८८ ॥
[ शैलेषु शैलतुङ्गा नभस्तलमिलितेषु मिलितदन्तपरिघाः ।
  प्लवगविधुतेषु विधुता निर्वलितेष्वपि न निर्वलन्ति वनगजाः ॥]
Elephants in the mountain forests with their tusks stuck in the sky-stuck mountains do not leave the mountains which have been dug out although they tremble when monkeys shake the mountains (while carrying).

वेविरप‍ओहराणं दिसाण गिरिविवरदिट्ठतणुमज्झाणम् ।
कुसुमर‍एण सुरहिणा अग्घाएण व णिमीलिआ‍इं मुहा‍इम् ॥ ६-८९ ॥
[ वेपनशालिपयोधराणां दिशां गिरिविवरदृष्टतनुमध्यानाम् ।
  कुसुमरजसा सुरभिणा आघ्रातेनेव निमीलितानि मुखानि ॥]
The faces of directional quarters, which have clouds (breasts) trembling and whose lean parts (mid-riffs) are being seen between mountains appear to have been covered by fragrant pollens of flowers. [ There is a suggestion of a lady covering her face after smelling fragrant flower pollens, while her mid-riff is showing and her breasts are trembling.]  

पव‍आ कर‍अलधरिए णहमुहणिब्भिण्णवेवमाणविसहरे ।
ग‍इवसविसट्टसिहरे बि‍इअकरेहि परिसंठवेन्ति महिहरे ॥ ६-९० ॥
[ प्लवगाः करतलधृतान्नखमुखनिर्भिन्नवेपमानविषधराम् ।
  गतिवशविशीर्णशिखरान् द्वितीयकरैः परिसंस्थापयन्ति महीधरान् ॥]
Monkeys who are carrying the mountains in one hand set right and stabilize the mountains with the other hand while snakes on the mountains are trembling pierced by the tip of monkeys’ nails.  
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Saturday, October 11, 2014



उम्मूलिआण खुडिआ उक्खिप्पन्ताण उज्जुअं ओसरिआ ।
णिज्जन्ताण णिराआ गिरीण मग्गेण पत्थिआ ण‍इसोत्ता ॥ ६-८१ ॥
[ उन्मूलितानां खण्डितान्युत्क्षिप्यमाणानामृजुकमपसृतानि ।
  नीयमानानां निरायतानि गिरीणां मार्गेण प्रस्थितानि नदीस्रोतांसि ॥]
River streams followed the fate of mountains; while mountains were being up-rooted the streams got split; while mountains were being thrown up the streams fell down straight; while mountains were being pulled streams got widened.

उम्मुहसारङ्गहणं अप्फुन्द‍इ मलिअमेहसारं ग‍अणम् ।
विवरब्भन्तरविह‍अं गिरिआलं सिहरपरिभमन्तरविह‍अम् ॥ ६-८२ ॥
[ उन्मुखसारङ्गगणमाक्रामति मृदितमेघसारं गगनम् ।
  विवराभ्यन्तरविहगं गिरिजालं शिखरपरिभ्रमद्रविहयम् ॥]
Group of mountains, where deer are looking up and in the caves of which birds have taken shelter occupies the sky where the waters of the clouds get pressed and the horses of the Sun god have to run round the peaks of mountains.

अंसट्टविअमहिहरा उब्भिअदाहिणकरावलम्बिअसिहरा ।
उत्ताणवामकर‍अलधरिअणिअम्बपसरा णिअत्तन्ति क‍ई ॥ ६-८३ ॥
[ असंस्थापितमहीधरा उच्छ्रितदक्षिणकरावलम्बितशिखराः ।
  उत्तानवामकरतलधृतनितम्बप्रसरा निवर्तन्ते कपयः ॥]
Monkeys return to the sea with the mountains holding the peaks in their extended right arm and holding the slopes in their left arm stretched out.

पत्थाणच्चिअ पढमं भुअमेत्तपहाविआण जं ण पहुत्तम् ।
कह तं चिअ ताणं चिअ पहुप्प‍इ क‍ईण महिहराण अ ग‍अणम् ॥ ६-८४ ॥
[ प्रस्थान एव प्रथमं भुजमात्रप्रभावितानां यन्न प्रभूतम् ।
  कथं तदेव तेषामेव प्रभवति कपीनां महीधराणां च गगनम् ॥]
The sky was not large enough to hold the monkeys with their broad shoulders at the time of their departure; how will it hold both mountains and monkeys together?

वह‍इ पवंगमलो‍ओ समतुलिउक्खित्तमिलिअमूलद्धन्ते ।
एक्कक्कमसिहर्ग्गमणिहसुप्पुसिअसरिआमुहे धरणिहरे ॥ ६-८५ ॥
[ वहति प्लवंगमलोकः समतुलितोत्क्षिप्तमिलितमूलार्धान्तान् ।
  एकक्रमशिखरोद्गमनिघर्षोत्प्रोञ्छितसरिन्मुखान्धरणीधरान् ॥]
Monkeys carry mountains balancing the peaks and the slopes while mouths of the streams get thrown up due to the striking of the peaks with slopes.
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Saturday, October 4, 2014



 होन्ति गरुआ वि लहुआ पवंगभुअसिहरणिमिअवित्थ‍अमूला ।
 रहसुद्धा‍इअमारुअदूरिक्खित्तोज्झरा धराधरणिवहा ॥ ६-७६ ॥
[ भवन्ति गुरुका अपि लघुकाः प्लवंगभुजशिखरनिवेशितविस्तृतमूलाः ।
  रभसोद्धावितमारुतदूरोत्क्षिप्तनिर्झरा धराधरनिवहाः ॥]
Even the heavy mountains being lifted at the roots by the monkeys on their hands become light because of the streams on the mountains getting thrown away to a distance by the wind created by the sudden lifting.

अह वेपण पवंगा स‍अलं आ‍अड्ढिऊण महिहरणिवहम् ।
ओव‍अणाहि वि लहुअं वीसज्झिअकल‍अलं णहं उण‍इआ ॥ ६-७७ ॥
[ अथ वेगेन प्लवंगाः सकलमाकृष्य महीधरनिवहम् ।
  अवपतनादपि लघुकं विसृष्टकलकलं नभ उत्पतिताः ॥]
Having gathered the mountains on their arms, monkeys jumped up with sounds of encouragement feeling lighter than they would had they been falling.

चडुलेहि णिप्प‍अप्पा उप्प‍इअव्वलहुएहि वित्थ‍अगरुआ ।
एक्कक्खेवेण णहं पक्खेहि व महिहरा क‍ईहि विल‍इआ ॥ ६-७८ ॥
[ चटुलैर्निष्प्रकम्पा उत्पतितव्यलघुकैर्विस्तृतगुरुकाः ।
  एकक्षेपेण नभः पक्षैरिव महीधराः कपिभिर्विलगिताः ॥]
Immobile mountains with heavy spreads were lifted up the sky in a concerted single effort by the dynamic monkeys and it looked as if if the mountains had wings.

पव‍अक्कन्तविमुक्कं विसमुद्धप्फुडिअपत्थिअणिअत्तन्तम् ।
घडिअं घडन्तण‍इमुहसंदाणिअसेलणिग्गमं महिवेढम् ॥ ६-७९ ॥
[ प्लवगाक्रान्तविमुक्तं विषमोर्ध्वस्फुटितप्रस्थितनिवर्तमानम् ।
  घटितं घटमाननदीमुखसंदानितशैलनिर्गमं महीवेष्टम् ॥]
The hollows created by the lifting of the mountains got filled up by the pieces falling back and the rocks falling from river-mouths on the mountains.

हीरन्तमहिहराहिं म‍ईहि भ‍अहित्थपत्थिअणिअत्तन्तम् ।
घडिअं घडन्तण‍इमुहसंदाणिअसेलणिग्गमं महिवेडम् ॥ ६-८० ॥
 [ ह्रियमाणमहीधराभिर्मृगीभिर्भयोद्विग्नप्रस्थितनिवृत्ताभिः ।
  शोभन्ते क्षणविवर्तितससंभ्रमोन्मुखप्रलोकितानि वनानि ॥]
Forests on the mountains being lifted look beautiful with the frightened deer going a little distance and returning with their gazes anxiously turned upwards for a while. 
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