Saturday, September 17, 2016

Varadarajastava of Sri.Appayyadikshita-27


आभाति देवविधृतस्तव सव्यपाणौ
अन्तर्बहिश्च शुचिरच्युत पाञ्चजन्यः ।
अन्तेवसन्निव गलस्य गुरोर्गभीर-
ध्वानक्रियोपनिषदध्ययनार्थमेषः ॥ ७८ ॥
अ :  देव, अच्युत ! तव सव्य-पाणौ विधृतः अन्तः बहिः च शुचिः एषः पाञ्चजन्यः गुरोः गलस्य  गभीर-ध्वान-क्रिया-उपनिषत्-अध्ययनार्थं अन्ते वसन् इव भाति ।
 Lord ! Achyuta ! This Panchajanya Conch, which is pure externally and internally and held in your left hand seems to be in the vicinity of the heavy (teacher) neck in order to study the Upanishad of creating deep sound.
Note : The conch is near the neck as if to study the deep sound created by the neck like a student staying near the preceptor to learn Upanishads. Upanishads after all emanate from the Lord.

कौमोदकी स्फुरति ते करपल्लवाग्रे
वैरिञ्चवाक्यविकृतेव सरस्वती सा ।
त्रिस्रोतसस्तव पदाब्जभुवो विशेषम्
आकाङ्क्ष्य पाणिकमलात्तव निःसरन्ती ॥ ७९ ॥
अ : ते कर-पल्लव-अग्रे कौमोदकी पद-अब्ज-भुवः त्रिस्रोतसः विशेषम् आकाङ्क्ष्य तव पाणि-कमलात् निःसरन्ती वैरिञ्च-वाक्य-विकृता सरस्वती इव स्फुरति ।
Kaumodaki, the mace in your sprout- like hand appears to be like Sarasvati (river) who had got angry with Brahma’s utterings and who emanates from your lotus-like hand in order to be better than the Ganga, which emanates from your foot.
Notes: The verse refers to a Puranic story wherein Saraswati got annoyed with Brahma when he said that Lakshmi is better than her.

हस्ते विराजति तवाभयमुद्रितेऽस्मिन्
अव्याजकोमलरुचिप्रकराभिरामे ।
वज्रोर्मिकांशुनिकरः कमलाधिराज्य-
पट्टाभिषेकसलिलौघ इवावदातः ॥ ८० ॥
अ : तव अस्मिन् अभय-मुद्रिते अव्याज-कोमल-रुचि-प्रकर-अभिरामे हस्ते अवदातः वज्र-ऊर्मिक-अंशु-निकरः कमल-अधिराज्य-पट्टाभिषेक-सलिल-ओघः इव विराजति ।
In this hand of yours which displays abhaya-mudra ( the shape that indicates protection to the devotees) which is simply beautiful because of the lustre of softness, the cluster of rays from the white diamond ring is enchanting as if it is a torrent of water used for anointing lotuses.
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