Saturday, December 31, 2016

Invocatory Verses-7


द्रोणः पृथिव्यर्जुनभीमदूतो यः कर्णधारः शकुनीश्वरस्य ।
दुर्योधनो भीष्मयुधिष्ठिरः स पायाद् विराडुत्तरगोऽभिमन्युः ॥ ९ ॥
अ : यः द्रोणः पृथिवी-अर्जुन-भीम-दूतः शकुनी-ईश्वरस्य कर्णधारः दुर्योधनः भीष्म-युधिष्ठिरः अभिमन्युः उत्तरगः सः विराट् पायात् ।
May that Supreme Person protect us, who showers (mercy) like a rain-bearing cloud, for whom the Bright and the Terrible act as messengers, who acts as a pilot to the Chief of birds, who is invincible and  terribly steady in battle, who excels in sacrificial performances. [ Bhasa, Pancharatram ]

Note : The poet cleverly brings out the names of many characters in the play, although the meaning of the verse is derived by interpreting the proper nouns as common nouns.
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Saturday, December 24, 2016

Invocatory Verses-6


जयन्ति बाणासुरमौलिलालिता दशास्यचूडामणिचक्रचुम्बिनः ।
सुरासुराधीशशिखान्तशायिनो भवच्छिदस्त्र्यम्बकपादपांसवः ॥ ६ ॥
अ : बाण-असुर-मौलि-लालिताः दशास्य-चूडामणि-चक्र-चुम्बिनः सुर-असुर-अधीश-शिखा-अन्त-शायिनः भव-छिदः त्र्यम्बक-पाद-पांसवः जयन्ति।
The dust particles under the feet of Shiva, which are caressed by the head of Bana demon, which are kissed by the orb of gems on the head of Ravana , which repose in the locks of hair of chiefs of Suras and Asuras and which cut asunder the cycle of birth and death flourish in all their glory. [ Bana, Kadambari ]

जयत्युपेन्द्रः स चकार दूरतो बिभित्सया यः क्षणलब्धलक्ष्यया ।
दृशैव कोपारुणया रिपोरुरः स्वयं भयाद्भिन्नमिवास्रपाटलम् ॥ ७ ॥
अ : यः क्षण-लब्ध-लक्ष्यया बिभित्सया दूरतः कोप-अरुणया दृशा एव रिपोः उरः स्वयं भयात् भिन्नम् इव चकार सः उपेन्द्रः जयति ।
Vishnu, brother of Indra, who made the chest of demon Hiranyakashipu break on its own due to fear, by looking at it for just an instance with his eyes red with anger with an intent to break it flourishes in all his glory. [ Bana, Kadambari ]
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Saturday, December 17, 2016

Invocatory Verses-5


रजोजुषे जन्मनि सत्त्ववृत्तये स्थितौ प्रजानां प्रलये तमःस्पृशे ।
अजाय सर्गस्थितिनाशहेतवे त्रयीमयाय त्रिगुणात्मने नमः ॥ ५ ॥
अ : प्रजानां जन्मनि रजो-जुषे स्थितौ सत्त्ववृत्तये प्रलये तमः-स्पृशे त्रिगुणात्मने सर्ग-स्थिति-नाश-हेतवे त्रयीमयाय अजाय नमः ।
Salutations to the BirthlessTrinity, manifesting as three qualities of rajas (activity),sattva (knowledge and virtue) and tamas (mental darkness), causing creation, sustenanace and destruction of Beings by assuming the quality of rajas during birth, sattva during sustenance and tamas during annihilation.  [ Bana, Kadambari ]
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Saturday, December 10, 2016

Invocatory Verses-4


वेदान्तेषु यमाहुरेकपुरुषं व्याप्य स्थितं रोदसी
यस्मिन्नीश्वर इत्यनन्यविषयः शब्दो यथार्थाक्षरः ।
अन्तर्यश्च मुमुक्षुभिर्नियमितप्राणादिभिर्मृग्यते
सः स्थाणुः स्थिरभक्तियोगसुलभो निःश्रेयसायास्तु वः ॥ ४ ॥
अ : वेदान्तेषु यं रोदसी व्याप्य स्थितं एकपुरुषं आहुः, यस्मिन् ईश्वरः इति शब्दः अनन्य-विषयः यथार्थ-अक्षरः, यः च नियमितप्राणादिभिः मुमुक्षुभिः अन्तः मृग्यते, सः स्थिर-भक्ति-योग-सुलभः स्थाणुः वः निःश्रेयसाय अस्तु ।
The Vedantas call him as the single entity pervading the Heaven and the Earth; The word “Ishvara” literally denotes him and none else; Those desirous of salvation seek him internally by controlling their breaths. May that Lord Shiva, the immovable, who is easily attainable through steady devotion, lead you all to Final Beatitude. [ Kalidasa, Vikramorvashiyam ]  
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Saturday, December 3, 2016

Invocatory Verses-3

एकैश्वर्ये स्थितोऽपि प्रणतबहुफले यस्स्वयं कृत्तिवासाः
कान्तासम्मिश्रदेहोऽप्यविषयमनसां यः परस्ताद्यतीनाम् ।
अष्टाभिर्यस्य कृत्स्नं जगदपि तनुभिर्बिभ्रतो नाभिमानः
सन्मार्गालोकनाय व्यपनयतु स वस्तामसीं वृत्तिमीशः ॥ ३ ॥
अ : यः प्रणत-बहु-फले एक-ऐश्वर्ये स्थितः अपि स्वयं कृत्ति-वासाः, यः कान्ता-सम्मिश्र-देहः अपि अ-विषय-मनसां यतीनाम् परस्तात्, यस्य अष्टाभिः तनुभिः कृत्स्नं जगत् अपि बिभ्रतः न अभिमानः, सः ईशः सन्मार्ग-अवलोकनाय वः तामसीं वृत्तिं व्यपनयतु । 
Lord Shiva wears a hide for his clothing although he is endowed with all the wealth which bears abundant fruits to those who take refuge in him; He is the greatest of ascetics whose minds are devoid of sensual attractions although his body is partly that of his beloved; He is devoid of pride although he supports the entire universe through his eight-fold forms.  May He destroy your sinful activities in order to guide you in the righteous path.[ Kalidasa, Malavikagnimitramam ]

Notes: The eight-fold forms of the Lord are the same as described in the previous verse. The three invocatory verses above clearly point out that Kalidasa was a worshipper of Shiva. 
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Friday, November 25, 2016

Invocatory Verses-2

या सृष्टिः स्रष्टुराद्या वहति विधिहुतं या हविर्या च होत्री
ये द्वे कालं विधत्तः श्रुतिविषयगुणा या स्थिता व्याप्य विश्वम् ।
यामाहुः सर्वबीजप्रकृतिरिति यया प्राणिनः प्राणवन्तः
प्रत्यक्षाभिः प्रपन्नः तनुभिरवतु  वः ताभिरष्टाभिरीशः ॥ २ ॥
अ : या स्रष्टुः आद्या सृष्टिः, या विधि-हुतम् हविः वहति, या होत्री च, ये द्वे कालं विधत्तः , या श्रुति-विषय-गुणा विश्वं व्याप्य स्थिता, यां सर्व-बीज-प्रकृतिः इति आहुः, यया प्राणिनः प्राणवन्तः, ताभिः अष्टाभिः प्रत्यक्षाभिः तनुभिः प्रपन्नः ईशः वः अवतु ।
The Almighty endowed with these eight perceptible forms protect  all of you. The form which was created by the creator as the first (among all) (Water); the form which carries the duly offered oblation (Fire); the form which offers the oblation (Offerer of the oblation); the two forms which support the Time (the Sun and the Moon); the form which pervades the universe and which is perceived by the ear ( Space or Ether); the form which is considered as the originator of all seeds (Earth); the form by which all beings breath ( Wind). [Kalidasa; Abhijnanashakuntalam]
Notes: This invocatory verse is sung by the Stage Manager as he enters the stage at the start of the play, Abhijnanashakuntalam. Water is considered to have been created by the Lord at first before everything else. The person who offers the oblation and the fire which carries the oblation are both considered as divine forms. The Sun and the Moon provide a reference for the concept of Time. As per Hindu Philosophy, the space or ether is considered to be characterized by sound perceived by the ear. The poet refers to the forms indirectly by describing their main characteristic. 
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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Invocatory Verses-1


( Invocatory Verses )

Sanskrit poets often start their works paying obeisance to their chosen deities. An attempt is being made here to consolidate and present such verses with prose order in Sanskrit and translation in English. Notes are added where considered necessary. The name of the poet and title of the work is also given.

वागर्थाविव सम्पृक्तौ वागर्थप्रतिपत्तये ।
जगतः पितरौ वन्दे पार्वतीपरमेश्वरौ ॥ १ ॥
अ : वाक्-अर्थौ-इव सम्पृक्तौ जगतः पितरौ पार्वती-परमेश्वरौ वाक्-अर्थ-प्रतिपत्तये वन्दे ।
In order to gain correct perception of  words and their meanings, I bow to Parvati and Parameshvara, who are the parents of the universe and whose association with each other is similar to that of a word and its meaning. [ Kalidasa; Raghuvamsam ]

Notes : The more one ponders on this famous verse the more one perceives its profundity. The association between the word and its meaning is as permanent as the association between Parameshvara and his consort Parvati. After all Paramesvara is Ardhanarishvara, who has assimilated his consort into his own body. Just as the divine pair has created this universe, the association of word and its meaning creates the universe of the spoken and written word. 
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Saturday, November 12, 2016

Varadarajastava of Sri. Appayyadikshhita- 35


साम्यभ्रमादविनयेन समुन्नतस्य
सव्यं तवाक्षि हरति श्रियमम्बुजस्य ।
तस्यापि तां समधिकाम् तनुते यदन्यत्
दाक्षिण्यमेव दनुजाहित तत्र मूलम् ॥ १०२ ॥
अ : दनुजाहित ! तव सव्यं अक्षि अविनयेन समुन्नतस्य अम्बुजस्य श्रियं हरति । अन्यत् (अक्षि) तस्य अपि तां समधिकां तनुते (इति) यत् तत्र दाक्षिण्यम् एव मूलम् ।
O one who is unfriendly to daanava’s ! your  left eye robs the lustre of the lotus which is proud and discourteous. If the right eye bestows a higher status to the lotus, it is because it is kind towards it.
Notes: The poet plays on the word “daakshinya” which means “ rightsidedness” and also “being kind”.

पद्मानुरागजुषि लोहितकृष्णशुक्लाम्
आसेदुषि प्रकृतिमादृतमीनरूपे ।
श्रुत्यन्तभासिनि मदावलशैलनाथ
त्वल्लोचने त्वयि च भाति न मे विशेषः ॥ १०३ ॥
अ : मदावल-शैल-नाथ ! पद्म-अनुराग-जुषि लोहित-कृष्ण-शुक्लां प्रकृतिम् आसेदुषि आदृत-मीन-रूपे श्रुति-अन्त-भासिनि त्वत्-लोचने त्वयि च विशेषः मे न भाति ।
Lord of Hastishaila ! I do not see any difference between you and your eye. Your eye has the redness of a lotus, is red, black and white by nature, has the appearance of a fish and shines right up to the ear. You are dear to Lakshmi, you are described as red,black and white (in the Vedas), you took the form of a fish and you are seen as the ultimate goal of the Vedas.
Notes: The poet cleverly uses words with double meanings to bring out the apparent similarity between the Lord and his eye.
मुक्तः प्रजापतिरयं मम दर्शनादि-
त्यन्यं विधातुमनसस्तव भालजाता ।
घर्माम्बुबिन्दुततिरेव किरीटमूल-
-प्रत्युप्तमौक्तिकततिच्छलतो विभाति ॥ १०४ ॥
अ : अयं प्रजापतिः मम दर्शनात् मुक्तः इति अन्यं विधातुमनसः तव भाल-जाता घर्म-अम्बु-ततिः एव किरीट-मूल-मौक्तिक-तति-छलतः विभाति ।
The group of sweat drops on your temple seems to be in the garb of the group of gems at the bottom of your crown. It looks as if you generated the sweat drops with an intention to create another Brahma as Brahma attained salvation by looking at you.
Notes: The verse alludes to a story in Mahopanishat, wherein it is said that Brahma was born out of the sweat drops of Vishnu when he was meditating. It is also said that Brahma worshipped Vishnu through a horse sacrifice and Vishnu appeared at the end of the sacrifice when Brahma got salvation.

राजन्त्यनर्घमणिसङ्घमये किरीटे
राजीवलोचन न नीलमणिप्रवेकाः ।
आघ्राय गन्धमलिनस्तव कुन्तलानाम्
अन्तः प्रवेष्टुमनसः परितो निलीनाः ॥ १०५ ॥
अ : राजीवलोचन ! अनर्घ-मणि-सङ्घ-मये किरीटे नील-मणि-प्रवेकाः न राजन्ति । अलिनः तव कुन्तलानां गन्धम् आघ्राय अन्तः-प्रवेष्टु-मनसः परितः निलीनाः ।
 Lotus-eyed Lord ! the choicest of sapphire gems on your crown which is made up of a cluster of precious gems do not shine. Bees are swarming around your lock of hair intending to enter it after smelling its fragrance.

मानन्दवृन्दलसितं सुदृशामसीमम् ।
अन्तर्मम स्फुरतु सन्ततमन्तरात्मन्
अम्भोजलोचन तव श्रितहस्तिशैलम् ॥ १०६ ॥
अ: अन्तरात्मन् अम्भोजलोचन ! तव श्रित-हस्ति-शैलम् आपादम् आचिकुरम् अशेषम् सुदृशाम् असीमम् आनन्द-वृन्द-लसितं अङ्गम् मम अन्तः सततं स्फुरतु ।
O Lotus-eyed Lord who resides in one’s mind ! May your entire form from head to foot, residing at Hastishaila, which is accessible to ladies and realized souls and which is brimming with ultimate joy shine in my mind all the time.

इति श्री अप्पय्यदीक्षितरचितः वरदराजस्तवः समाप्तः
( Thus ends the hymn on Vardaraja composed by Sri. Appayyadikshita)
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Saturday, November 5, 2016

Varadarajastava of Sri.Appayyadikshita- 34

वरदराजस्तवः -३४

सञ्चारशालि तव निःश्वसिते समस्त-
वेदेतिहासवपुषि द्विपशैलनाथ ।
नाभीसरोरुहनवारुणमण्डले च
मन्ये मधुव्रतकुलं मधुविद्ययोक्तम् ॥ ९९ ॥
अ : द्विप-शैल-नाथ ! मधुविद्यया उक्तं मधु-व्रत-कुलं तव समस्त-वेद-इतिहास-वपुषि निःश्वसिते नाभी-सरोरुह-नव-अरुण-मण्डले च सञ्चारशालि (इति) मन्ये ।
O Lord of Hastishaila ! In your breath which encompasses all the Vedas and Itihasas (historical narratives) and in the solar-orb of your lake-like navel a swarm of bees hovers around and I believe that it is the same as what is prescribed as Madhuvidya in Chandogya Upanishat.
Notes: Madhuvidya refers to an elaborate metaphor that occurs in Chandogya Upanishat. The sky is the honeycomb at the centre of which the solar orb is the honey. Riks (hymns) are the bees which extract honey from the four Vedas which are the flowers. Offerings made to the fire in the form of ghee, milk etc. by reciting Riks merge with the solar orb and form the honey.

देहाद्वदन्ति जननं मुनयस्तिलानां
देवेन्द्रवन्द्यचरणाम्बुज तावकीनात् ।
नारायणैतदुचितं प्रकटीकरोति
नासाभिधानमिह दिव्यतिलप्रसूनम् ॥ १०० ॥
अ : देवेन्द्र-वन्द्य-चरण-अम्बुज नारायण ! मुनयः तिलानां जननं तावकीनात् देहात् (इति) वदन्ति । इह एतत् नास-अभिधानं दिव्य-तिल-प्रसूनं उचितं प्रकटीकरोति ।
O Narayana, whose feet are worshipped by Indra ! sages declare that Sesamum originated from your body. Your nose which is like a sesumum flower appropriately demonstrates that.
Note: Sesumum is supposed to have originated from the sweat drops of Vishnu.

नेत्रे तव क्व भगवन्क्व च पुण्डरीकं
ब्रूते तयोस्तदुपमानमथापि वेदः ।
सर्वात्मनस्तव समाधिकवस्त्वलाभात्
आकाशवत्स खलु सर्वगतत्वमाह ॥ १०१ ॥
अ : भगवन् ! तव नेत्रे क्व ! पुण्डरीकं च क्व ! अथ अपि वेदः तयोः तत् उपमानं ब्रूते ! सर्व-आत्मनः तव सम-अधिक-वस्तु-अलाभात् आकाशवत् सर्व-गतत्वं आह खलु ।

Lord ! Where are your eyes, where is the lotus ! Even then, the Vedas say that your eyes are like lotus. In the absence of something equal or greater than you,  Vedas after all, declare your omnipresence to be like the sky.
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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Varadarajastava of Sri.Appayyadikshita-33

वरदराजस्तवः -३३

सिद्धौषधं जयति तेऽधररत्नपात्रे
तापत्रयी झटिति मुञ्चति येन सिक्तम् ।
मन्ये तुषारकिरणं गुणलेशयोगात्
अस्यैव वारिजविलोचन कल्कपुञ्जम् ॥ ९६ ॥
अ : वारिजविलोचन ! ते अधर-रत्न-पात्रे सिद्ध-औषधं जयति येन सिक्तं तापत्रयी झट् इति मुञ्चति । गुण-लेश-योगात् तुषार-किरणं अस्य एव कल्क-पुञ्जं मन्ये ।
O Lotus-eyed ! In the cup of your gem-like lips there is a sure medicine, soaked with which the threefold afflictions of life quickly vanish. I believe that having a little of the quality of this elixir, the rays of moon are the sediments of this elixir.    

आतन्वतामवयवेषु गतागतानि
युक्तात्मनां वरद यौवतचक्षुषां च ।
मन्दस्मितच्छविरियं तव मां पुनातु ॥ ९७ ॥
अ : अवयवेषु गत-आगतानि आतन्वतां युक्त-आत्मनां यौवत-चक्षुषां च विश्रान्ति-भूः तव इयं विधु-कर-प्रकर-अवदाता  मन्दस्मित-छविः मां पुनातु ।
May the lustre of your smile as white as the rays of the moon, which acts as a resting place for the realized souls and the eyes of youthful persons who roam (ruminate) over your limbs purify me.

निर्हारिणा बहुतरेण च सौरभेन ।
नासापुटौ नलिनलोचन ते मनोज्ञौ
मन्ये सदैव मधुमाधवयोर्निवासौ ॥ ९८ ॥
अ : नलिन-लोचन ! निःश्वास-मन्द-मलय-अनिल-कन्दलेन निर्हारिणा बहुतरेण सौरभेन च ते मनोज्ञौ नासा-पुटौ मधु-माधवयोः सदा एव निवासौ इति मन्ये ।
O Lotus-eyed  ! I surmise from your exhaled breath which is soft like new shoots and the fragrance that diffuses to distances that your beautiful nostrils are permanent abodes of the two months of the spring.
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Saturday, October 22, 2016

Varadarajastava of Sri.Appayyadikshita- 32

वरदराजस्तवः -३२

बिम्बस्तवायमधरः प्रतिबिम्बनेन
युक्तं सदा युवतिमानसदर्पणेषु ।
बिम्बाधरः कविभिरीश्वर वर्ण्यसे त्वम्
एतावतैव न तु तुच्छफलोपमानात् ॥ ९३ ॥
अ : ईश्वर ! तव अयम् अधरः युवति-मानस-दर्पणेषु प्रतिबिम्बनेन बिम्बः (इति) युक्तम्। त्वं कविभिः बिम्बाधरः एतावता एव वर्ण्यसे न तु तुच्छ-फल-उपमानात् ।
 Lord ! it is proper that your lower lip is called “bimba”(an image) as it is reflected in mirrors called minds of young ladies. Poets describe you as one having “bimba adhara” only because of this and not as one having the lower lip like the “bimba” fruit, which simile lowers the divinity of your lip.
Note : Poets normally liken red lips to the “bimba” fruit. The poet indicates that it is not a proper simile to be applied to Lord’s lips and interprets the word “bimbaadhara” in an imaginative manner.  

विद्यामयेषु तव निःश्वसितेष्वपूर्वं
विद्याविशेषमिव शिक्षितुमन्तरात्मन् ।
वाण्याः सदा तव मुखाम्बुरुहे वसन्त्याः
कायप्रभेव लसति स्मितचन्द्रिका ते ॥ ९४ ॥
अ :अन्तरात्मन् ! तव विद्यामयेषु निःश्वसितेषु अपूर्वं विद्या-विशेषम् शिक्षितुम् इव ते स्मित-चन्द्रिका तव मुख-अम्बुरुहे सदा वसन्त्याः वाण्याः काय-प्रभा इव लसति ।
 O Lord residing in the minds of beings ! your moonlight-like smile shines as if it is the radiance of the body of Saraswati residing permanently in your lotus-like face trying to teach a branch of knowledge , not known previously, in your breaths which are replete with all knowledge.
Note :  Appayyadikshita in his commentary quotes to say that Lord’s breath contains Rik,Yajus,Saama Vedas.  

तापत्रयौषधवरस्य तव स्मितस्य
निःश्वासमन्दमरुता निबुसीकृतस्य ।
एते कडङ्गरचया इव विप्रकीर्णा
जैवातृकस्य किरणा जगति भ्रमन्ति ॥ ९५ ॥
अ : एते जैवातृकस्य किरणाः तव निःश्वास-मन्द-मरुता निबुसीकृतस्य  ताप-त्रय-औषध-वरस्य तव स्मितस्य विप्रकीर्णा कडङ्गर-चयाः इव जगति भ्रमन्ति ।
These rays of the moon wander on the earth as if they form the heaps of chaff of your smile, which acts as the best medicine for the three afflictions(“taapatraya”), after being dechaffed by the gentle breeze of your breath.
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Saturday, October 15, 2016

Varadarajastava of Sri.Appayyadikshita-31


दृग्भ्यां मुकुन्द मृगलोचनकोमलाभ्यां
जाताधिकद्युति विलोक्य तवाननाब्जम् ।
मन्ये स्वमण्डलमितोऽभ्यधिकंविधित्सुः
तस्मिन् बिभर्ति मृगमेव जडः सितांशुः ॥ ९० ॥
अ : मुकुन्द ! मृग-लोचन-कोमलाभ्यां दृग्भ्यां तव आनन-अब्जं जात-अधिक-द्युति विलोक्य जडः सित-अंशुः स्व-मण्डलम् इतः अभ्यधिकं विधित्सुः तस्मिन् मृगम् एव बिभर्ति ।
Observing  that your lotus-like face has acquired additional lustre from your eyes which are as delicate as the eyes of the deer the dull-headed moon holds a deer ( in its orb) in the belief that its orb will out-shine your face.

धत्तो मुखे तु तव दृक्तिलकात्मनाभाम् ।
दोषावितः क्वचन मेलनतो गुणत्वं
वक्तुर्यथेश वचसि भ्रमविप्रलम्भौ ॥ ९१ ॥
अ : ईश ! मधुलिट्-कलङ्कौ अब्ज-शशिनोः मालिन्यं धत्तः । तव मुखे तु दृक्-तिलक-आत्मना आभां (धत्तः) । क्वचन दोषौ मेलनतः गुणत्वं इतः यथा भ्रम-विप्रलम्भौ वक्तुः वचसि ।
Lord ! the bee and the dark spot are stigma to the lotus and the moon respectively. But in your face they together provide lustre in the form of your eye and the fore-head mark (tilak). Sometimes two blemishes together provide a desirable effect like delusion and error. (Two negatives make a positive).
मासेवितं द्विजगणैर्दिविषद्गणैश्च ।
अङ्काधिरूढसहजश्रि मुखंत्वदीयं
शङ्कामहे वरद संहतमब्जयुग्मम् ॥ ९२ ॥
अ : वरद ! आमोद-कान्ति-भृत् अहः निशम् एकरूपं द्विज-गणैः दिविषद्-गणैः च  आसेवितं अङ्क-अधिरूढ-सहज-श्रि त्वदीयं मुखं संहतम् अब्ज-युग्मं शङ्कामहे ।
Bestower of boons ! Your face, we suspect, is the combination of the lotus and the moon. It has the fragrance of the lotus and the lustre of the moon. It is worshipped (frequented) by Brahmins (birds) and the divine beings (stars).

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Saturday, October 8, 2016

Varadarajastava of Sri.Appayyadikshita-30


नाथ त्वदीयमकलङ्कमिमं मुखेन्दुम्
आपीय तृप्यति सदा वसुधा यतस्ते ।
तेनैव किं नवसुधारसगोचरोऽभूत्
इन्दुः कलङ्कमलिनीकृतमध्यभागः ॥ ८७ ॥
अ : नाथ ! वसुधा त्वदीयम् अकलङ्कम् मुखेन्दुं आपीय तृप्यति यतः कलङ्क-मलिनीकृत-मध्य-भागः इन्दुः तेन एव वसुधा-रस-गोचरः न अभूत् किम्? नव-सुधा-रस-गोचरः अभूत् किम्?
Lord ! The earth feels contented after drinking your blemish-free moon-like face. Is it because of that the moon with its central part getting soiled by blemish is not seen by the earth ( has acquired the new ambrosia)?
Note : What the poet wants to convey is not clear.   
आश्रित्य नूनममृतद्युतयः पदं ते
देहक्षये विधृतदिव्यपदाभिमुख्याः ।
लावण्यपुण्यनिचयं सुहृदि त्वदास्ये
विन्यस्य यान्ति मिहिरं प्रतिमासभिन्नाः ॥ ८८ ॥
अ : प्रति-मास-भिन्नाः अमृतद्युतयः ते पदम् आश्रित्य देहक्षये विधृत-दिव्य-पद-अभिमुख्याः सुहृदि त्वत्-आस्ये लावण्य-पुण्य-निचयं विन्यस्य मिहिरं यान्ति ।
The moons different for each month take shelter at your feet and on the new moon day having attained a divine state deposit their merits called beauty in your friend-like face and reach the sun.( Through pun the verse refers to the merited persons depositing their remaining merits with their friends at the time of their leaving the body.)  

भङ्गात्ततत्सुषममित्रकरोपकॢप्त्या ।
लब्ध्वापि पर्वणि विधुः क्रमहीयमानः
शंसत्यनीत्युपचितां श्रियमाशुनाशाम् ॥ ८९ ॥
अ : अयं विधुः त्वत्-वक्त्र-साम्यम् अम्बुज-कोश-मुद्रा-भङ्ग-आत्त-तत्-सुषम-मित्र-कर-उपकॢप्त्या लब्ध्वा अपि पर्वणि क्रम-हीयमानः अनीति-उपचितां आशु-नाशां श्रियं शंसति ।

This moon even after having obtained similarity with your face by gaining the lustre of sun’s rays which have acquired the beauty of the lotuses by enabling them to open up (breaking open the treasure) loses its lustre from the night of full moon indicating that ill-gained wealth disappears quickly. 
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Saturday, October 1, 2016

Varadarajastava of Sri. Appayyadikshita-29

वरदराजस्तवः- २९

वक्त्रेण ते यदभिभूतमभूत्सरोजं
तन्नाभिभूतमिति शब्दमवाप्य नूनम् ।
शब्दच्छलादपनिनीषु जनापवादं
नाभेरभूत्तव रमाधिप विश्रुतायाः ॥ ८४ ॥
अ : रमाधिप ! यत् सरोजं ते वक्त्रेण अभिभूतम्, तत् जन-अपवादम् शब्द-छलात् अपनिनीषु नाभिभूतम् इति शब्दम् अवाप्य तव विश्रुतायाः नाभेः अभूत् नूनम् ।
Lord of Lakshmi ! the lotus which was humiliated by your face has grown from your famed navel in order to efface the public blame under the pretence of (appropriate) words.
Note: The poet describes the face of the Lord as more beautiful than the lotus in a puzzling way by employing a word play in using नाभिभूतम्, which can mean “ not humiliated” (न अभिभूतम्) and also mean “grown from navel” नाभि-भूतम् . Lotus has come out of the navel of the Lord, indeed. 

उन्मूलयन्विषमवाहभवाभितापम् ।
उद्द्योतते वरद ते वदनामृतांशुः ॥ ८५ ॥
अ : वरद ! कुमुदम् उन्मीलयन्, गिरीशम् उज्ज्वलयन्, विषमवाह-भव-अभितापम् उन्मूलयन् वर-वधू-जनता-अनुरागम् उद्दीपयन् ते वदन-अमृतांशुः उद्द्योतते ।
 Lord who grants boons ! your moon-like face makes blue lotuses bloom (brings joy to the Earth), brightens the chief of mountains, Hastishaila, ( Shiva) , roots out the heat originating from the sun (the intense torture of the cycle of birth and death), kindles the feeling of love among young girls.

चान्द्रायणव्रतनिषेवण एव नित्यम् ।
कुर्वन्प्रदक्षिणमुपेन्द्र सुरालयं ते
लिप्सुर्मुखाब्जरुचिमेष तपस्यतीन्दुः ॥ ८६ ॥
अ : उपेन्द्र ! एषः इन्दुः ते मुख-अब्ज-रुचिं लिप्सुः पक्ष-द्वय-क्रशिम-पोष-विभाव्यमान-चान्द्रायण-व्रत-निषेवणे एव नित्यं सुर-आलयं प्रदक्षिणं कुर्वन् तपस्यति ।
O Upendra ! this moon is undergoing penance by going round the abode of Gods as a Chandrayana vow by waxing and waning during the bright and dark fortnights desirous of attaining the glow of your lotus-like face.
Note : Chandrayana vow involves increasing and decreasing the intake of food as per the waxing and waning of the moon.
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Saturday, September 24, 2016

Varadarajastava of Sri.Appayyadikshita -28


नामैव ते वरद वाञ्छितदातृभावं
व्याख्यात्यतो न वहसे वरदानमुद्राम् ।
न ह्यागमोदितरसः श्रुतिसिद्धमर्थं
लिङ्गेन बोध्यमुररीकुरुते विपश्चित् ॥ ८१ ॥
अ : वरद ! ते नाम एव वाञ्छित-दातृ-भावं व्याख्याति । अतः वरदानमुद्रां न वहसे । विपश्चित् आगम-उदित-रसः श्रुति-सिद्धम् अर्थं लिङ्गेन बोध्यम् उररीकुरुतॆ
O Bestower of boons ! your name itself indicates that you will bestow  whatever is desired. Therefore your hand is not in the posture that represents bestowing of boons. A scholar who has developed taste in the Vedas does not approve of understanding through a symbol, a meaning which is evident in the Vedas.

आभाति मौक्तिकगुणग्रथितैरनल्पैः
नीलोत्पलैर्वलयितस्तव नाथ कण्ठः ।
संवर्तमेघवसतिं ध्वननैस्तदन्तः
निश्चित्य तन्निकटगैरिव मेघडिम्भैः ॥ ८२ ॥
अ : नाथ ! अनल्पैः मौक्तिक-गुण-ग्रथितैः नीलोत्पलै: वलयितः तव कण्ठः ध्वननैः तत्-अन्तः संवर्त-मेघ-वसतिं निश्चित्य तत्-निकटगैः मेघडिम्भैः वलयितः इव आभाति ।
Lord ! your neck encircled by blue lotuses sewn along the thread carrying pearls seems like having been encircled by nascent clouds which, after believing that  the voice emanating from the throat is from Pralaya clouds, have come near them.
Note: The sound emanating from the throat of the Lord is like the rumbling of clouds during Pralaya and the blue lotuses around his neck appear to be young clouds thronging to be near the Pralaya clouds.

यद्ब्रह्मणश्च जनिभूः प्रियमिन्दिरायाः
संस्पर्धमोषधिपतौ च सकर्णिकं च ।
एतैर्गुणैर्गुणनिधे कतमस्त्वदीयं
वक्त्रं मनोज्ञमवगच्छतु नारविन्दम् ॥ ८३ ॥
अ : गुणनिधे ! यत् ब्रह्मणः च जनि-भूः इन्दिरायाः प्रियम् औषधिपतौ संस्पर्धं स-कर्णिकं च । एतैः गुणैः त्वदीयं वक्त्रं मनोज्ञम् अरविन्दं कतमः न अवगच्छतु ।
Your face has given rise to Brahma (Brahmins); It is dear to Lakshmi; It competes with the moon and it is endowed with ears (pericarp of a lotus).  Lord ! you are a treasure of exceptional qualities. Because of the qualities of your face who will not realise that it is a beautiful lotus?
Notes: Lotus competes with moon in the sense that it closes when moon rises.
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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Varadarajastava of Sri.Appayyadikshita-27


आभाति देवविधृतस्तव सव्यपाणौ
अन्तर्बहिश्च शुचिरच्युत पाञ्चजन्यः ।
अन्तेवसन्निव गलस्य गुरोर्गभीर-
ध्वानक्रियोपनिषदध्ययनार्थमेषः ॥ ७८ ॥
अ :  देव, अच्युत ! तव सव्य-पाणौ विधृतः अन्तः बहिः च शुचिः एषः पाञ्चजन्यः गुरोः गलस्य  गभीर-ध्वान-क्रिया-उपनिषत्-अध्ययनार्थं अन्ते वसन् इव भाति ।
 Lord ! Achyuta ! This Panchajanya Conch, which is pure externally and internally and held in your left hand seems to be in the vicinity of the heavy (teacher) neck in order to study the Upanishad of creating deep sound.
Note : The conch is near the neck as if to study the deep sound created by the neck like a student staying near the preceptor to learn Upanishads. Upanishads after all emanate from the Lord.

कौमोदकी स्फुरति ते करपल्लवाग्रे
वैरिञ्चवाक्यविकृतेव सरस्वती सा ।
त्रिस्रोतसस्तव पदाब्जभुवो विशेषम्
आकाङ्क्ष्य पाणिकमलात्तव निःसरन्ती ॥ ७९ ॥
अ : ते कर-पल्लव-अग्रे कौमोदकी पद-अब्ज-भुवः त्रिस्रोतसः विशेषम् आकाङ्क्ष्य तव पाणि-कमलात् निःसरन्ती वैरिञ्च-वाक्य-विकृता सरस्वती इव स्फुरति ।
Kaumodaki, the mace in your sprout- like hand appears to be like Sarasvati (river) who had got angry with Brahma’s utterings and who emanates from your lotus-like hand in order to be better than the Ganga, which emanates from your foot.
Notes: The verse refers to a Puranic story wherein Saraswati got annoyed with Brahma when he said that Lakshmi is better than her.

हस्ते विराजति तवाभयमुद्रितेऽस्मिन्
अव्याजकोमलरुचिप्रकराभिरामे ।
वज्रोर्मिकांशुनिकरः कमलाधिराज्य-
पट्टाभिषेकसलिलौघ इवावदातः ॥ ८० ॥
अ : तव अस्मिन् अभय-मुद्रिते अव्याज-कोमल-रुचि-प्रकर-अभिरामे हस्ते अवदातः वज्र-ऊर्मिक-अंशु-निकरः कमल-अधिराज्य-पट्टाभिषेक-सलिल-ओघः इव विराजति ।
In this hand of yours which displays abhaya-mudra ( the shape that indicates protection to the devotees) which is simply beautiful because of the lustre of softness, the cluster of rays from the white diamond ring is enchanting as if it is a torrent of water used for anointing lotuses.
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Saturday, September 10, 2016

Varadarajastava of Sri.Appayyadikshita-26


ऐन्द्रोपलप्रभमधो भुजदण्डनालम्
एकत्र चक्रमपरत्र च शङ्खहंसम् ।
दृष्ट्वा कथं न कलयेमहि कान्तिसिन्धोः
उत्फुल्लपद्मयुगमूर्ध्वकरद्वयं ते ॥ ७५ ? ॥
अ : अधः ऐन्द्र-उपम-प्रभं भुज-दण्ड-नालं, एकत्र चक्रम्, अपरत्र शङ्ख-हंसं च दृष्ट्वा ते कान्ति-सिन्धोः उत्फुल्ल-पद्म-युगं ऊर्ध्व-कर-द्वयं कथं न कलयेमहि ।
After having seen below your lotus-stalk-like shoulders which have the lustre of sapphire at the lower end, a disc on one side and swan-like conch on the other side, how can we fail to perceive your two hands raised which look like two blossomed lotuses in the river of your lustre?
Notes : The poet imagines that in the river of lustre of God’s form shoulders are lotus-stalks, hands are blossomed lotuses, and the disc is a Chakravaka bird and the conch a swan.

संभाव्यरात्रिदिवसात्मकपार्श्वयुग्मम् ।
मन्ये महापुरुषरूपधरं भवन्तम् ॥ ७६ ॥
अ : चन्द्र-अर्क-चारुतर-शङ्ख-रथाङ्ग-शोभा-सम्भाव्य-रात्रि-दिवस-आत्मक-पार्श्व-युग्मं
नक्षत्र-दृश्य-नव-मौक्तिक-हारि-रूपं भवन्तं महा-पुरुष-रूप-धरं मन्ये ।
 I believe that you are the person with the cosmic form (extolled in Purushasukta) having as its two sides the conch and the disc more beautiful than the sun and the moon which represent the day and night, and your string of pearls looking enchanting like stars.
पश्यामि दक्षिणकरे तव चक्रराजम् ।
बाहोः प्रतापघनमिद्धमिवोद्गतं ते ॥ ७७ ॥

अ : संवर्त-जृम्भित-विकर्तन-दुर्निरीक्षं चक्र-राजं तव दक्षिण-करे दैत्य-ओघ-सिन्धुपति-मन्थ-महा-अचलस्य ते बाहोः उद्गतं इद्धं प्रताप-घनम् इव पश्यामि ।
The Great Disc in your right hand, which is as difficult to be looked at as the sun expanding at the time of the Great Dissolution (pralaya) appears to me to be the solidified brilliant valour emanating from your arm which is like a mountain that churns the ocean of Daityas.

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Saturday, September 3, 2016

Varadarajastava of Sri. Appayyadikshita- 25


आत्मप्रभाभिरपि संवलितं विभाति ।
श्रीवत्सविग्रहजुषः प्रकृतेस्त्वदीयं
वक्षः परीतमिव सत्त्वरजस्तमोभिः ॥ ७१ ॥
अ : नाभी-सरोज-किरणैः मणि-राज-भाभिः आत्म-प्रभाभिः अपि संवलितं त्वदीयं वक्षः श्रीवत्स-विग्रह-जुषः प्रकृतेः सत्त्व-रजः-तमोभिः परीतम् इव भाति ।
Your chest which is surrounded by the lustre of the lotus of your navel, the lustre of Kaustubha, the king of gems and your own lustre appears as if it is surrounded by the qualities of sattva, rajas and tamas inherent in nature in the form of Srivatsa mark.
Note : Lotus of the navel is white in colour signifying sattva, the Kaustubha gem is red in colour signifying rajas and the dark hue of the Lord signifies tamas.
वक्षःस्थलं वरद नन्दनमाश्रितस्ते
येषां विभाति हरिचन्दन एष मध्ये ।
एते चतुर्भुज भुजास्तव तस्य शाखाः
शङ्के कराब्जदलकोमलिताग्रभागाः ॥ ७२ ॥
अ : वरद, चतुर्भुज ! ते वक्षः-स्थलं नन्दनम् आश्रितः एषः हरिचन्दनः येषां मध्ये विभाति, तव एते भुजाः कर-अब्ज-दल-कोमलित-अग्र-भागाः शाखाः इति शङ्के ।
 I guess the sandal paste (the sandal tree) which is at the centre of your chest in the form of the flower garden, Nandana has its branches in the form of your shoulders having its tender ends in the lotus- like hands.

जात्यैव यद्वरद पल्लवराग एष
यल्लाल्यते च भवता कटके निवेश्य ।
मन्ये मणिस्तदुपगम्य मदान्दभावं
साक्षादयं सवितुरेव करोत्यवज्ञाम् ॥ ७३ ॥
अ : वरद ! एषः मणिः जात्या एव पल्लव-रागः (इति) यत्, भवता कटके निवेश्य लाल्यते (इति) यत्, तत् अयं मद-अन्ध-भावम् उपगम्य साक्षात् सवितुः अवज्ञां करोति इति मन्ये ।  
O Giver of boons ! This ruby which comes under the category of Kuruvinda is being taken care of you by wearing it as a bangle and, I believe, for that reason being blind with pride tries to show disrespect to the Sun himself.(It outshines the sun by its brilliance) [ By virtue of words with double meaning, the verse also refers to a person who is morally corrupt-पल्लवराग-  but is being taken care of by the king in his army-कटक- and because of that reason he disrespects his own father-सविता.]
Notes: Appayyadikshita explains in his commentary that Ruby comes in 4 varieties, namely Padmaraaga, Kuruvinda, Saugandhika and Nilagandhi. Pallavaraga refers to Kuruvinda variety.
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Saturday, August 27, 2016

Varadarajastava of Sri Appayyadikshita-24


पार्श्वद्वये परमपूरुष हारमाला ।
तत्रत्यकान्तिसरितस्तरलैः प्रणुन्नाम्
ऊर्म्युत्करैरुभयतः सितफेनपङ्क्तिम् ॥ ६८ ॥
अ : परमपूरुष ! अधि-भुज-अन्तरम् पार्श्वद्वये उल्लसन्ती हार-माला तत्रत्य-कान्ति-सरितः तरलैः ऊर्मि-उत्करैः उभयतः प्रणुन्नां सित-फेन-पङ्क्तिं उत्प्रेक्षयति ।
O Ultimate Being ! your garland (of pearls) glittering between your shoulders looks as if it is the  trembling  line of white foam on either side of the series of waves of the river of the lustre (of your chest).

त्वां सर्वभूतमयमाश्रितसर्ववर्णं
यद्वैजयन्त्युपगताच्युत सर्वगन्धम् ।
तेनैव किं त्रिभुवनैकमहावदान्य
सारूप्यमावहति ते सकलाभिनन्द्यम् ॥ ६९ ॥
अ : अच्युत, त्रिभुवन-एक-महा-वदान्य ! वैजयन्ती सर्व-भूत-मयम् आश्रित-सर्व-वर्णं सर्व-गन्धं त्वाम् उपगता (इति) यत् तेन एव ते सकल-अभिनन्द्यं सारूप्यम् आवहति किम्?
O Acyuta ! the greatest of all munificent givers in this world ! Is it that Vaijayanti, the garland, has attained complete identity with you which is admired by all simply because it has taken refuge in you who comprises all beings, who comprises all colours and smells? 
Note : Vaijayanti is as fragrant and colourful as yourself.

तापिञ्छमेचकमुरःशरदन्तरिक्षम् ।
प्राप्यैव देव तव कौस्तुभपूर्णचन्द्रः
पूर्णां बिभर्ति पुरुषोत्तम कान्तिरेखाम् ॥ ७० ॥
अ : देव, पुरुषोत्तम ! कौस्तुभ-पूर्ण-चन्द्रः तव ताराभिराम-परिणाह-लसत्-सिताभ्रं तापिञ्छ-मेचकं शरद्-अन्तरिक्षम् उरः प्राप्य एव पूर्णां कान्ति-रेखां बिभर्ति ।
The foremost of all beings ! your chest, dark blue like Tamala tree, is the autumnal sky, with white clouds in the form of white pearls. The full moon- like Kaustubha gem bears lustre in its entirety.
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Saturday, August 20, 2016

Varadarajastava of Appayyadikshita- 23


प्रालम्बिकामुपगतास्तव पद्मरागाः
प्रत्यग्रघर्मकरमण्डलनिर्विशेषाः ।
पर्यङ्कके वरद वक्षसि भान्ति लक्ष्म्याः
क्रीडोपबर्हतिलका इव पार्श्वभाजः ॥ ६५ ॥
अ : वरद ! तव वक्षसि प्रालम्बिकाम् उपगताः पद्मरागाः प्रत्यग्र-घर्मकर-मण्डल-निर्विशेषाः
लक्ष्म्याः पर्यङ्कके पार्श्व-भाजः क्रीडा-उपबर्ह-तिलकाः इव भान्ति ।
O Bestower of boons ! The rubies which are a part of your pendant neck-lace, which are indistinguishable from the orb of the rising sun look like the side pillows on the couch of Lakshmi.
Note: Lakshmi is supposed to have her abode on the chest of Vishnu.

अस्तु त्रयीमयतनुस्तव लम्बनाली-
रत्नैस्तिरस्क्रियत एव तथापि भानुः ।
सोढः सतां बत निशान्तमुपागतानां
एवं तिरस्कृतिकृदीश्वर कः सुवृत्तैः ॥ ६६ ॥
अ : ईश्वर ! भानुः त्रयी-मय-तनुः अस्तु । तथा अपि तव लम्ब-नाली-रत्नैः तिरस्क्रियते एव । निशान्तम् उपागतानां सतां एवं तिरस्कृति-कृत् कः सुवृत्तैः सोढः, बत ?
Lord ! The sun may be said to be the embodiment of the Vedas. Even then your pendant gems (of your neck-lace)  put him to shame. How can people of character(सुवृत्त) tolerate a person humiliating virtuous persons(सताम्) who have arrived at one’s home?(निशान्तम् उपागतानाम्) ( How can gems with circular shape tolerate a person who humiliates stars which appear at the end of the night?)
नष्टेऽपि भस्मनि वने गिरिशेन दग्धं
स्त्रीणां हृदीश मदनं प्रतिबोधयन्तः ।
भस्मोच्चये कृतकचप्रतिबोधनं तं
शुक्रं जयन्तु न कथं तव हारताराः ॥ ६७ ॥
अ : ईश ! गिरिशेन दग्धं मदनं वने भस्मनि नष्टे अपि स्त्रीणां हृदि प्रतिबोधयन्तः तव हार-ताराः भस्मोच्चये कृत-कच-प्रतिबोधनं तं शुक्रं कथं न जयन्तु ?
The pearls of your neck-lace revive Cupid who was burnt to ashes by Lord Shiva, in the hearts of women. How will they not win over Shukra (Venus) who revived Kacha from his ashes?
Notes: What the poet means is that the pearls of the necklace are brighter than Venus. The reference is to a Puranic story as per which Shukra the preceptor of Asuras revived Kacha his disciple who had been burnt by Suras and whose ashes were mixed with a potion offered to Shukra. Shukra managed to revive Kacha. 
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Saturday, August 13, 2016

Varadarajastava of Appayyadikshita- 22


शोणाश्मरश्मिकलिकावलिरच्युतैषा ।
नाभ्युद्गताम्बुरुहकुड्मलपङ्क्तिशोभाम् ॥ ६२ ॥
अ : अच्युत ! एषा उदर-बन्ध-निबद्ध-दिव्य-शोण-अश्म-रश्मि-कलिका-आवलिः आगामि-अनेक-शत-कल्प-विधातृ-गर्भ-नाभि-उद्गत-अम्बुरुह-कुड्मल-पङ्क्ति-शोभाम् उल्लासयति ।
This stream of bud-like rays from the divine red stone laid in your waist band generates the lustre of buds of lotuses which will grow  out of your navel forming the source for Brahmas over many hundreds of   the future aeons.

ऊर्ध्वं विरिञ्चिभवनात्तव नाभिपद्मात्
रोमावलीपदजुषस्तमसः परस्तात् ।
पश्यामि देव परमं पदमेव साक्षात् ॥ ६३ ॥
अ : देव ! तव विरिञ्चि-भवनात् नाभि-पद्मात् रोमावली-पद-जुषः तमसः परस्तात् मुक्त-ओघ-मण्डितम् उन्-मयूखं उरः-स्थलं साक्षात् परमं पदम् एव पश्यामि ।
Lord ! beyond the darkness called your streak of hair above the lotus from your navel, which is the abode of Brahma, I look at your brilliant chest adorned with a torrent of pearls( the liberated souls) as the final abode for the enlightened.

स्फीतोल्लसत्कुसुमया वनमालया च ।
बिभ्राजते विपुलमेतदुरस्त्वदीयम्
अन्तः पुरं जलधिराजकुमारिकायाः ॥ ६४ ॥
अ : एतत् जलधि-राज-कुमारिकायाः अन्तःपुरं त्वदीयम् विपुलम् उरः उदंशु-चय-रत्न-ललन्तिका-आख्यैः सालैः स्फीत-उल्लसत्-कुसुमया वनमालया च बिभ्राजते ।
Your broad chest which is covered by the fort-like pendant ornaments made out of gems and rubies with their rays radiating upwards and a garland of fully blown forest flowers (royal garden) is brilliant forming the inner apartments of Lakshmi, daughter of  the ocean-lord.
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Saturday, August 6, 2016

Varadarajastava of Appayyadikshita-21


नाभेरभूत्तव चतुर्भुज नान्तरिक्षं
यन्नाभिरेव यदुनेतरियं ततोऽभूत् ।
नाभ्या इतिश्रुतिविपर्ययगे विभक्ती
तां जैमिनेरनुससार पशोश्च सूत्रम् ॥ ५९ ॥
अ : चतुर्भुज, यदुनेतः ! तव नाभेः अन्तरिक्षं न अभूत्, यत् इयं नाभिः एव ततः अभूत् । नाभ्याः इति श्रुति-विपर्ययगे विभक्ती । जैमिनेः पशोः च सूत्रं ताम् अनुससार ।
O God with four shoulders ! Leader of Yadu clan ! The sky did not arise from your navel because your navel arose out of the sky. It is a reversal of cases that “naabhyaah” is used in the fifth case in the Vedic hymn. The Sutra of Jaimini simply followed the case reversal
Note : The verse refers to an esoteric discussion in the Vedas and the Jaimini sutras, where case reversal between the fifth case and the first case happens.

आरोपमध्यवसितिं च विना तवास्यां
नाभौ सरःपदमुपैतु कथं न वृत्तिम् ।
साक्षादियं सरसिजस्य समुद्रशायिन्
उत्पत्तिभूरिति हि नायक नायमूहः ॥ ६० ॥
अ: समुद्र-शायिन् ! नायक ! आरोपम् अध्यवसितिं च विना एव तव अस्यां नाभौ सरः-पदं वृत्तिं कथं न उपैतु । इयं सरसिजस्य साक्षात् उत्पत्ति भूः इति अयं न ऊहः हि ।
 O Leader, One who sleeps on the ocean ! This navel of yours merits being equated with a lake, without invoking “aaropa” or “adhyavasaaya”. It is not a matter of supposition that this (your navel) is the source for the lotus ( sarasija=born in a lake).
Note: The poet has used technical words “aaropa” and “adhyavasaaya” employed in poetics. Aaropa is to equate the object of comparison and the subject of comparison clearly expressing their difference, while “adhyavasaaya” is equating without expressing the difference.

कल्पान्तरेषु विततिं कमलासनानां
भूयोऽपि कर्तुमिव भूरि रजो दधानम् ।
नाभिह्रदे समुदितं नलिनं तवैतत्
भूयात्सदैव मम भूतिकरं मुरारे ॥ ६१ ॥
अ : मुरारे ! कल्प-अन्तरेषु कमलासनानां भूयः अपि विततिं कर्तुम् इव भूरि रजः दधानं तव एतत् नाभि-ह्रदे समुदितं नलिनं सदा एव मम भूतिकरं भूयात् ।

O, Enemy of demon Mura ! May this lotus which has grown out of deep lake-like navel which carries plenty of pollen as if to provide for the births of Brahma in future aeons bring me well being always.
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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Varadarajastava of Appayyadikshita-20


ऊरोः किमन्यदयतामुपमानभावं
वामस्य दक्षिणममुष्य च तं विहाय ।
रम्भादयः सदृश इत्युचितं किमेतत्
यस्योर्वशी सुभग सापि विभूतिलेशः ॥ ५६ ॥
अ : सुभग ! वामस्य ऊरोः अमुष्य दक्षिणं तं विहाय उपमान-भावं अन्यत् किम् अयताम् ? यस्य सा ऊर्वशी अपि विभूति-लेशः रम्भा-आदयः सदृशः इति एतत् उचितं किम्?
Handsome lord ! What can be comparable to your left thigh other than your right thigh? When Urvashi is a part of the manifestation of your thigh’s power, is it right that Rambha and others are compared to your thigh?
Note: Thighs are often compared with plantain plant (Rambha).

नाथ त्वया परिहितं वरवर्णिनीनां
रागस्य यद्वसनमास्पदतां बिभर्ति ।
सौन्दर्यसारनिलयेन कटीतटेन
तस्यैष किं नु महिमा परिशीलनस्य ॥ ५७ ॥
अ : नाथ ! त्वया परिहितं यत् वसनं वरवर्णिनीनां रागस्य आस्पदतां बिभर्ति, तस्य सौन्दर्य-सार-निलयेन कटी-तटेन परिशीलनस्य एषः महिमा नु किम्?
Lord ! The dress you wear bears the colour (love) of fair ladies; is it because it is in close touch with your hips, the abode of the essence of beauty?

संप्राप्य सारसनमध्यतलोदयाद्रिं
मध्याम्बरं मसृणयन्नरुणैर्मयूखैः ।
संवीक्ष्यते सुकृतिभिर्मणिरेष पूषा
संसाररात्र्युपरतिं गतवद्भिरेव ॥ ५८ ॥
अ : सारसन-मध्य-तल-उदय-अद्रिं संप्राप्य अरुणैः मयूखैः मध्य-अम्बरं मसृणयन् एष मणिः पूषा संसार-रात्रि-उपरतिं गतवद्भिः एव संवीक्ष्यते ।
 This sun-like gem which smoothens the central part of the cloth (mid sky) with its reddish- brown rays at the centre of the girdle can only be seen by those who have reached the end of the night-like cycle of birth and death.[ Just as the morning sun is visible on the Eastern horizon only after the night elapses, the gem at the centre of the girdle is visible only for those who have spent the night of birth and death.]
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Saturday, July 23, 2016

Varadarajastava of Appayyadikshita-19

वरदराजस्तवः -१९

नाथ त्वदङ्घ्रिनखधावनतोयलग्नाः
तत्कान्तिलेशकणिका जलधिं प्रविष्टाः ।
ता एव तस्य मथनेन घनीभवन्त्यः
नूनं समुद्रनवनीतपदं प्रपन्नाः ॥ ५३ ॥
अ : नाथ ! त्वत्-अङ्घ्रि-नख-धावन-तोय-लग्नाः तत्-कान्ति-लेश-कणिकाः जलधिं प्रविष्टाः । ताः एव तस्य मथनेन घनीभवन्त्यः समुद्र-नवनीत-पदं प्रपन्नाः ।
Lord ! Streaks of lustre of your feet sticking in the water washing your feet joined the ocean and when the ocean was churned they became the butter (moon) arising out of it.

जङ्घे तव स्वशरधी इति सन्दिहानः ।
न्यस्याभितो निजशराननुरूपभावम् ॥ ५४ ॥
अ : सव्य-अपसव्य-शर-मोक्ष-कृती इक्षु-धन्वा तव जङ्घे स्व-शरधी इति सन्दिहानः अङ्घ्रि-कटक-उद्गत-रुक्-छलेन निज-शरान् अभितः न्यस्य अनुरूप-भावम् आलोकते |
Cupid, who is an adept in shooting arrows from the left and the right doubting that your shanks are his quivers looks for similarity by placing his arrows in the form of rays emanating from the anklets.

जानुद्वयं तव जगत्त्रयनाथ मन्ये
मारस्य केलिमणिदर्पणतामुपेतम् ।
रूपं निजं कलयते विपरीतमेषः ॥ ५५ ॥
अ : जगत्-त्रय-नाथ ! तव जानु-द्वयं मारस्य केलि-मणि-दर्पणताम् उपेतम् इति मन्ये यत् अवदात-मनोज्ञ-वृत्तम् आलोकयन् एषः निजं रूपं विपरीतं कलयते ।
Lord of the three worlds ! your knees have become mirrors for playing for Cupid, who after looking at your white elegant knees sees his own image in reverse (and thinks himself to be ugly).
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Saturday, July 16, 2016

Varadarajastava of Appayyadikshita-18


गङ्गाच्छलेन तव निःसृतमूर्ध्वगाण्ड-
सङ्घट्टनात्पदनखाग्रमयूखलेशम् ।
आलोक्य नूनममराः पतितं पयोधा-
वामथ्य तं जगृहुरीश तदिन्दुरूपम् ॥ ५० ॥
अ: ईश ! ऊर्ध्वग-अण्ड-सङ्घट्टनात् तव पद-नख-अग्र-मयूख-लेशं गङ्गा-छलेन निःसृतं
पयोधौ पतितम् आलोक्य अमराः तम् आमन्थ्य तत् इन्दुरूपं जगृहुः नूनम् ।
Lord ! When your foot struck the top of the Brahmanda ( at the time of your incarnation as Vamana) the slice of rays emanating from the tip of your toenails fell into the ocean in the form of Ganga and I believe the divine beings churned the ocean and obtained the moon as the result of that churning.  

सद्यः स्फुरत्सहजरुक्प्रकरान् कराग्रैः ।
मुक्तामयान्विदधतां प्रकटं मुरारे
जैवातृकत्वमुचितं ननु ते नखानाम्  ॥ ५१ ॥
अ: मुरारे ! पाद-आनमत्-सुर-शिरोमणि-पद्मरागान् स्फुरत्-सहज-रुक्-प्रकरान् मुक्तामयान् कराग्रैः प्रकटम् विदधतां नखानाम् जैवातृकत्वम् उचितम् ननु ।
O slayer of Mura ! the lustre of rubies in the crowns of divine beings who bow at your feet become pearl coloured due to the rays of your nails and it is apt that your toenails are said to be moon-like. [Playing a pun on words, रुक्, मुक्त आमय ,जैवातृक which also mean disease, free of disease and doctor respectively the poet suggests a parallel meaning to say that your toenails act as a doctor to free your devotees from diseases just by being present.]  

यत्ते पदाम्बुरुहमम्बुरुहासनेड्यं
धन्याः प्रपद्य सकृदीश भवन्ति मुक्ताः ।
नित्यं तदेव भजतामतिमुक्तलक्ष्मी-
युक्तैव दिव्यमणिनूपुरमौक्तिकानाम् ॥ ५२ ॥
अ : ईश ! अम्बुरुह-आसन-ईड्यं ते पद-अम्बुरुहं सकृत्  प्रपद्य धन्याः मुक्ताः भवन्ति इति यत् तत् एव नित्यं भजताम् दिव्य-मणि-नूपुर-मौक्तिकानां अतिमुक्त-लक्ष्मीः युक्ता एव ।

Your devotees get salvation by just surrendering once to your feet, which are worshipped by Brahma, who has a lotus for his seat. It is, therefore, appropriate that your divine gem-laden anklets which all the time serve your feet have the lustre of ‘atimukta’ creeper. (The poet plays on अतिमुक्त which also means “greatly freed”.)
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Saturday, July 9, 2016

Varadarajastava of Appayyadikshita -17

वरदराजस्तवः -१७

यस्याः स्वमूर्त्यनुगुणाकृतिशक्तियुक्तः
पादाम्बुजद्वयमिषात्कमठाधिराजः ।
मूले वसत्युचितमेव निगद्यते सा
मूर्तिर्महापुरुष तेऽखिललोकरूपा ॥ ४७ ॥
अ : महापुरुष ! यस्याः मूले पाद-अम्बुज-द्वय-मिषात् स्व-मूर्ति-अनुगुण-आकृति-शक्ति-युक्तः कमठ-अधिराजः वसति, सा ते मूर्तिः अखिल-लोक-रूपा (इति) निगद्यते (तत्) उचितम् एव ।
O Great Person ! The Great Tortoise which has the capacity to assume a form similar to yours lives at the bottom of your form in the garb of your lotus-like feet . It is indeed appropriate that your form is said to be a manifestation of the entire universe.

किं द्वादशात्मनि रवौ भगवन्धृतेर्ष्यः
चन्द्रस्ततोऽभ्यधिकतामधिगन्तुमेव ।
एते तवेह दश भान्ति पदाङ्गुलीषु
स्वात्मान इत्यजनि चित्तदृगर्णवेभ्यः ॥ ४८ ॥
अ : भगवन् ! चन्द्रः द्वादश-आत्मनि रवौ धृत-ईर्ष्यः ततः अभ्यधिकताम् अधिगन्तुम् एव तव पदाङ्गुलीषु एते दश स्व-आत्मानः भान्ति इति चित्त-दृक्-अर्णवेभ्यः अजनि ।
Lord ! The moon, having become jealous of the sun who has twelve forms and desirous of surpassing him and having realized that his own ten forms sparkle in the ten toes of your feet  was born to the mind, the eyes (of Atri ) and the ocean (of milk.) 
Notes: What the poet means is that the moon with ten replicas of himself in the form of the toe-nails of the deity took three more births as the son of  God’s mind, of Atri’s eyes and of the ocean. There is a Vedic reference to the moon being born of God’s mind. As per mythology, Atri is the father of the moon and moon is also said to have been born from milk-ocean.

भासा पदं तव रमाधिप भूषयन्ति
संसेवकांश्च विबुधान् परितोषयन्ति ।
नाथ क्षिपन्ति च तमांसि नखेन्दवस्ते
संशोषयन्त्यपि तु भक्तभवाम्बुराशिम् ॥ ४९ ॥
अ : रमाधिप ! ते नखेन्दवः भासा तव पदं भूषयन्ति, संसेवकान् विबुधान् च परितोषयति,   तमांसि च क्षिपन्ति, अपि तु भक्त-भव-अम्बु-राशिं संशोषयन्ति ।
O Lord of Lakshmi ! your toenails decorate your feet by their lustre; they please your devotees and divine beings; they banish darkness (evil forces); but dry  up the ocean of samsara (cycle of birth and death) of your devotees.
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Saturday, July 2, 2016

Varadarajastava of Appayyadikshita-16


स्पर्शं ययोः समधिगम्य झटित्यहल्या
देवी च भूरभवदुज्झितसर्वपङ्का ।
ताभ्यां घटेत समता भवतः पदाभ्यां
आजन्मपङ्कवसतेः कथमम्बुजस्य ॥ ४४ ॥
अ: ययोः स्पर्शं समधिगम्य अहल्या उज्झित-सर्व-पङ्का अभवत् देवी भूः च (अभवत्), ताभ्यां भवतः पदाभ्यां आ-जन्म-पङ्क-वसतेः अम्बुजस्य समता कथं घटेत?
How is it possible that the lotus which is right from its birth living in slush (sin) is comparable to your feet by the touch of which Ahalya and the Earth were cleansed of their sins?
Note: The poet cleverly uses the word पङ्क which can mean slush and sin.

मातङ्गशैलमणिशेखर ते पदाभ्यां
मोहेन साम्यमनुचिन्त्य कृतापराधम् ।
शङ्के सरोजमनयोरुभयोरुपेत्य
रेखाच्छलेन सततं विदधाति सेवाम् ॥ ४५ ॥
अ: मातङ्ग-शैल-मणि-शेखर ! मोहेन ते पदाभ्यां साम्यम् अनुचिन्त्य कृत-अपराधं सरोजम् रेखा-छलेन उपेत्य अनयोः उभयोः सेवां सततं विदधाति (इति) शङ्के ।
O crest jewel of the elephant hill ! I suspect that the lotus realising that it committed a crime against you by assuming equivalence with your feet out of delusion is serving your feet in repentance in the garb of its outline under your feet.
Note: The poet says that the figure of a lotus under the foot of the Lord is indeed lotus itself serving the Lord as a mark of repentance for having assumed equivalence with the feet of the Lord.

रेखामयं पदतले कमलं यदेतत् ।
तत्रैव विश्रमजुषोऽच्युत रागलक्ष्म्याः
क्रीडानिशान्तकमलं तदिति प्रतीमः ॥ ४६ ॥
 अ: अच्युत ! लेखाधिनाथ-वन-पल्लव-धैर्य-चोरे पदतले रेखामयं यत् एतत् कमलं तत् तत्र एव विश्रमजुषः राग-लक्ष्म्याः क्रीडा-निशान्त-कमलम् इति प्रतीमः ।
O Achyuta ! We believe that this mark of lotus on your feet which has stolen the courage of the sprouts from the garden of Indra is the lotus forming a pleasure house of the Lakshmi of redness resting there as it were.

Notes : 1. लेख means divine beings (Aditi’s sons) ; लेखाधिनाथ is their chief, Indra. 2. The sprouts of Nandana garden of Indra are red in colour which they display courageously and the feet of the Lord which are red in colour have stolen their courage. 3. The poet exaggerates to say that Lakshmi of redness resides in the feet in the form of the outline of a red lotus . 
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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Varadarajastava of Appayyadikshita-15


तौल्यं वदन्तु कवयस्तरुपल्लवानां
मुग्धास्त्वदीयचरणेन मुकुन्द किं तैः ।
तान्येव तत्तदधरोष्ठमिषात्तदानीं
कम्पं भजन्ति कथयन्ति किलात्मनैच्यम् ॥ ४१ ॥
अ: मुकुन्द ! मुग्धाः कवयः त्वदीय-चरणेन तरु-पल्लवानां तौल्यं वदन्ति । तैः किम्? तानि एव
तत्-तत्-अधर्-ओष्ठ-मिषात् तदानीं कम्पं भजन्ति, आत्मनैच्यं कथयन्ति किल ।
Ignorant poets speak of similarity of tree sprouts with your feet. They are of no consequence. Those (sprouts themselves) experience quivering in the garb of the lower lips of those poets and thus express their inferiority.

पद्मोपमात्पदयुगात्तव रत्नगर्भा
जातेति पद्मसदृशाकृतिराहुरेनाम् ।
कार्यं हि कारणगुणानतिवर्ति लोके
प्रायः पतङ्गपतिवाह विलोकयामः ॥ ४२ ॥
अ : पतङ्ग-पति-वाह ! तव पद्म-उपमात् पदयुगात् रत्नगर्भा जाता इति एनां पद्म-सदृश-आकृतिः आहुः । लोके प्रायः कारण-गुणान् कार्यम् हि अतिवर्ति (इति) विलोकयामः ।
Lord whose vehicle is the chief of birds! It is said that the earth is in the shape of a lotus as it arose from your lotus-like feet. We observe in general that results imbibe the qualities of causes.
 Note : In the Puranas it is said that the Earth is in the shape of a lotus with Meru mountain being the pericarp, surrounding which is Kesara (filament)mountain range enclosed by Patra(petal) mountain range.

मासेवकश्रुतिमनोहरनादिहंसम् ।
शङ्के तवेश्वर पदं शतपत्रमेव ॥ ४३ ॥
अ : ईश्वर ! तव पदं कल्याण-शालि-कमलाकर( कमला-कर)-लालनीयम् आ-सेवक-श्रुति-मनोहर-नादि-हंसम् आमोद-मेदुर-मरुत्-नमित-अलि-कान्तं (अलिक-अन्तं) शतपत्रम् एव (इति) शङ्के ।
Lord ! I guess that your foot is a lotus only, being indulged in by the hands of Lakshmi (nurtured by a lake abounding in auspiciousness) with ascetics who are reciting the sonorous subservient Vedas (with swans cackling in a manner pleasant to hear) and with the ends of foreheads of joyful divine beings bent (looking graceful with bees swarming around blown by the fragrance- carrying wind.)

Note: The poet brings out equivalence between the lotus and Lord’s foot by a clever use of double-meaning words.
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Saturday, June 18, 2016

Varadarajastava of Appayyadikshita-14

वरदराजस्तवः (१४ )

मुष्णन् प्रभातसमयेषु मुरान्तकारिन्
अङ्घ्रिद्वयश्रियमहस्करतस्करस्ते ।
यत्प्राप्यते न करभङ्गममुष्य बाल-
मित्रत्वमेव मिषति ध्रुवमत्र हेतुः ॥ ३८ ॥
अ: मुरान्तकारिन् ! ते अङ्घ्रिद्वयश्रियम् अहस्कर-तस्करः प्रभात-समयेषु मुष्णन् कर-भङ्गम् न प्राप्यते इति यत्, अत्र अमुष्य बाल-मित्रत्वम् एव हेतुः ध्रुवं मिषति ।
O Vanquisher of Mura ! When the sun like a thief steals the lustre of your feet in the morning he does not suffer the punishment of hands (rays) being cut off. That is because he is their friend from childhood days (early morning sun).
Notes: The poet plays on the double meaning words कर ( hand,rays of the sun) and मित्र ( friend, the sun)and weaves a metaphor.

अङ्घ्रिद्वयस्य तव सन्ततमन्तरङ्ग-
मम्भोजवर्गमिह योजयति श्रिया यत् ।
उत्कोचदानमिदमुष्णकरस्य  बाल्यात्
तत्कान्तिरत्नचयचोरणतत्परस्य ॥ ३९ ॥
अ: तव अङ्घ्रिद्वयस्य सन्ततम् अन्तरङ्गम् अम्भोजवर्गम् श्रिया योजयति इति यत् इदं बाल्यात् तत्-कान्ति-रत्न-चय-चोरण-तत्परस्य उष्णकरस्य उत्कोच-दानम् (इति मन्ये) ।
If the sun provides lustre to the lotuses which are inseparable associates of your feet, it is as a bribe given by the sun who right from his childhood is engaged in stealing the gems in the form of your feet’s lustre.
Note: The poet refers to the practice of thieves bribing the persons associated with the treasury while stealing a treasure.

भानुर्निशासु भवदङ्घ्रिमयूखशोभा-
लोभात्प्रताप्य किरणोत्करमाप्रभातम् ।
तत्रोद्धृते हुतवहात्क्षणलुप्तरागे
तापं भजत्यनुदिनं स हि मन्दतातः ॥ ४० ॥

अ : भानुः निशासु भवत्-अङ्घ्रि-मयूख-लोभात् किरन-उत्करम् आप्रभातम् प्रताप्य तत्र हुतवहात् उद्धृते क्षण-लुप्त-रागे सः तापम् अनुदिनम् भजति; सः मन्द-तातः हि ।
The sun daily heats up his rays in the fire during nights in order that they may gain the lustre of your feet’s rays and when they are taken out of the fire, they become hot after losing the redness quickly. He is after all the father of a dull-headed.

Note: In the morning when the sun looks red there is not much heat but later it gets hot. The poet exaggerates by saying that the sun puts his rays in the nights in the fire and takes it out in the morning only to find that it retains the redness sought for only for a short time after which it gets hot. To the possible question why the sun should do the same thing daily, the poet says that he is after all the father of a dullard, the planet Saturn, whose movements are slow and thus considered a dullard. Father of a dullard must be a greater dullard ! 
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