Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The world of Valmiki-05

The World of Valmiki_05

1.2 Hermitage

Vasishtha's hermitage

वसिष्ठस्याश्रमपदं नानापुष्पलताद्रुमम् ।
नानामृगगणाकीर्णं सिद्धचारणसेवितम् ।
देवदानवगन्धर्वैः किन्नरैरुपशोभितम् ।
प्रशान्तहरिणाकीर्णं द्विजसङ्घनिषेवितम् ।
ब्रह्मर्षिगणसंकीर्णं देवर्षिगणसेवितम् ।
तपश्चरणसंसिद्धैः अग्निकल्पैर्महात्मभिः ।
सततं संकुलं श्रीमद्ब्रह्मकल्पैर्महात्मभिः ।
अब्भक्षैर्वायुभक्षैश्च शीर्णपर्णाशनैस्तथा ।
फलमूलाशनैर्दान्तैः जितदोषैर्जितेन्द्रियैः ।
ऋषिभिर्वालखिल्यैश्च जपहोमपरायणैः ।
अन्यैर्वैखानसैश्चैव समन्तादुपशोभितम् ।
वसिइष्ठस्याश्रमपदं ब्रह्मलोकमिवापरम् ।
ददर्श जयतां श्रेष्ठो विश्वामित्रो महाबलः ॥ १/५१/२३-२८॥
Vishvamitra of immense strength saw the hermitage of Vasishtha, full of flowers, vines and trees, full of various types of animals, frequented by siddha's, charana's, deva's, gandharva's and kinnara's. There were various types of deer living peacefully. There were birds of all types. There were   brahmarshi's and devarshi's and great ascetics of recognized attainment who were like fire. There were ascetics who lived by consuming only water, those who lived by consuming only air, those who lived by fallen dry leaves, those who lived by consuming fruits and roots. There were vaalkhilya's and vaikhanasa's  who were engaged in meditation and oblations.

Rama's hermitage

पर्णशालां सुविपुलां तत्र संघातमृत्तिकाम् ।
सुस्तम्भां मस्करैर्दीर्घैः कृतवंशां सुशोभनाम् । ।
शमीशाखाभिरास्तीर्य दृढपाशावपाशिताम् ।
कुशकाशशरैः पर्णैः सुपरिच्छादितां तथा ।
समीकृततलां रम्यां चकार सुमहाबलः । । ३/१५/२१-२२॥
(Lakshmana), of immense prowess, constructed a large and beeautiful thatched hut of compacted mud, with good pillars and long supporting beams of bamboo, with a roof of branches of shami tree well covered by  leaves of kusha, kasha and reeds and with the ground levelled.

1.3 Ornaments and cosmetics

अलक्तरसरक्ताभौ अलक्तरसवर्जितौ ।
अद्यापि चरणौ तस्याः पद्मकोशसमप्रभौ ॥२/६०/१८॥
Her feet, which lacked the juice of red lac but had the radiance of the red lac had the glow of lotus buds.

कल्कांश्चूर्णकषायांश्च स्नानानि विविधानि च।
ददृशुर्भाजनस्थानि तीर्थेषु सरितां नराः ॥
शुक्लानंशुमतश्चापि दन्तधावनसञ्चयान् ।
शुक्लांश्चन्दनकल्कांश्च समुद्गेष्ववतिष्ठतः ॥
दर्पणान् परिमृष्टांश्च वाससांश्चापि सञ्चयान् ।
पादुकोपाहनहश्चैव युग्मानि च सहस्रशः ॥
आञ्जनीः कङ्कतान् कूर्चान् शस्त्राणि च धनूंषि च ॥२/९१/७४-७६॥
On the steps to the river people saw pastes, powders and concoctions for bathing and allso collections of tooth cleaners white and pointed, kept in vessels. They saw white sandal paste, cleaned mirrors, bundles of clothes, thousands of pairs of wooden sandals and leather footwear, eye-ointment, combs, brushes, armaments and bows. 

इदं दिव्यं वरं माल्यं वस्त्रमाभरणानि च ।
अङ्गरागं च वैदेहि महार्हं चानुलेपनम् ॥२/११८/१८॥
O Vaidehi, here are a a precious and divine garland, cloth and ornaments, cosmetic and precious body-paste.

सा वस्त्रमङ्गरागं च भूषणानि स्रजस्तथा ।
मैथिली प्रतिजग्राह प्रीतिदानमनुत्तमम् ॥२/११८/२१॥
Sita received the presents of affection like cloth, cosmetic, garlands and ornaments.

विहीनतिलकेव स्त्री नोत्तरा दिक् प्रकाशते ॥३/१६/८॥
The direction of North looks like a woman who does not have a tilak.

नाहं जानामि केयूरे नाहं जानामि कुण्डले ।
नूपुरेत्वभिजानामि नित्यं पादाभिवनदनात् ॥४/६/२२॥
I do not know the armlets nor ear-rings. I only know the anklets due to prostrating to her daily.

ददौ तस्य ततः प्रीतः स्वनामाङ्कोपशोभितम् ।
अङ्गुलीयमभिज्ञानं राजपुत्र्याः परंतपः ॥४/४४/१२॥
Feeling happy with him, Rama of extraordinary prowess, gave him the ring of the princess  as an identity.

सुकृतौ कर्णवेष्टौ च श्वदंष्ट्रौ च सुसंस्थितौ ।
मणिविद्रुमचित्राणि हस्तेष्वाभरणानि च ॥५/१५/४२॥
(I find her wearing) nicely made pair of karnaveShta ( ear ornament) and well placed shvadamshtra ( ear ornament perhaps shaped like canine teeth?) and ornaments on the arms which are decorated with gems and coral. 

हारनूपुरकेयूरपारिहार्यधरास्स्त्रियः ।५/१/२६॥
The vidyadhara women wore pearl necklaces, anklets, armlets and bangles.

उत्कर्षन्त्यां च रशनां क्रुद्धायां मयि पक्षिणि ।
स्रस्यमाने च वसने ततो दृष्टा त्वया ह्यहम् ॥५/३८/१७॥
You saw me while I got angry (at the crow) and held the girdle as the garment was sliding.

ततो वस्त्रगतं मुक्त्वा दिव्यं चूडामणिं शुभम् ।
प्रदेयो राघवायेति सीता हनुमते ददौ ॥५/३८/६९॥
Then Sita gave to Hanuman the divine Chudamani (pleat-jewel) after removing it from the cloth saying that it may be given to Rama.

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