Friday, March 9, 2012

The World of Valmiki-14

The World of Valmiki-14
Products, metals,currency,tools and weapons
Artefacts and Products
इष्टका बहुसाहस्री शीघ्रमानीयतामिति ।१/१३/९॥
Let thosands of bricks be quickly brought.

प्रकाशकरणार्थं च निशागमनशङ्कया ।
दीपवृक्षान्स्तथा चक्रुः अनुरथ्यासु सर्वशः ॥२/६/१८॥
Anticipating the arrival of evening, citizens set up lamps on trees all over the city on all roads.

तां शून्यशृङ्गाटक वेश्मरथ्याम् ।
रजोऽरुणद्वारकवाटयन्त्राम् |
दृष्ट्वा पुरीमिन्द्रपुरीप्रकाशां
दुःखेन सम्पूर्णतरो बभूव ॥२/७१/४५॥
He was completely filled with grief seeing in Indrapuri-like city, empty city-squares, residences and roads and seeing the mechanical gates of the city red with dust.

सुवर्णकोणाभिहतः प्राणदद्यामदुन्दुभिः ।२/८१/२॥
The dundubhi drum sounded every yaama (three hours) struck by a Golden drum-stick.

छत्रं शतशलाकं च दिव्यमाल्योपशोभितम् ।
भग्नदण्डमिदं सौम्य भूमौ कस्य निपातितम् ॥३/६४/४५॥
Whose is this canopy with a hundred ribs, decorated by flowers and with its shaft broken lying here?

दिव्यां भद्रासनयुताम् शिबिकां स्यन्दनोपमाम् ।
पक्षिकर्मभिराचित्रां द्रुमकर्मविभूषिताम् ।
आचितां चित्रपत्तीभिः सुनिविष्टां समन्ततः ॥
विमानमिव सिद्धानां जालवातायनावृताम् ।
सुनियुक्तां विशालां च सुकृतां विश्वकर्मणा ॥
दारुपर्वतकोपेतां चारुकर्मपरिष्कृताम् ।
वराभरणहारैश्च चित्रमाल्योपशोभिताम् ॥
गुहागहनसंछन्नां रक्तचन्दनरूषिताम् ।
पुष्पोघैः समभिच्छन्नां पद्ममालाभिरेव च ॥
तरुणादित्यवर्णाभिर्भ्राजमानाभिरावृताम् ।
ईदृशीं शिबिकां दृष्ट्वा रामो लक्ष्मणमब्रवीत् ॥४/२५/२२-२६॥
The palanquin was like a chariot divine and provided with an auspicious seat. It was embellished with etchings of birds and decorated by wood-works. It had pictures on its walls and well framed all around. Like the flying vehicles of Siddha's it had ventilators. It was strongly constructed, broad and made by carpenters. It had figures of mountains made of wood. It was  decorated by stringed jewels and varied flowers.
It was covered on  all sides like a cave and smeared with red sandal, with flowers and garlands of lotuses which had the hue of early morning sun. Seeing such a palanquin Rama spoke to Lakshmana.

Metals and currency

दशकोटीः सुवर्णस्य रजतस्य चतुर्गुणम् ।१/१४/५१॥
(the king gave away to the Brahmins) 10 crores of Gold coins and four times that of Silver coins.

ताम्रं कार्ष्णायसं चैव तैक्ष्ण्यादेवाभिजायत ।१/३४/१९॥
Copper and Iron came into existence out of the heat.

नागः शत्रुञ्जयो नाम मातुलोऽयं ददौ मम ।
तं ते निष्कसहस्रेण(गजसहस्रेण)ददामि द्विजपुङ्गव ॥२/३२/१०॥
My maternal uncle gave me this elephant by name Shantrunjaya. I am giving you this along with one thousand nishka's(Gold coins).

मलं तत्राभवत् तस्य त्रपुसीसकमेव च ।१/३४/२०॥
There the refuse became Lead and Tin.

परित्यक्तो भयैः सर्वैः खनिभिश्चोपशोभितः ।२/१००/४५॥
(Ayodhya) which is devoid of any sort of fear and is endowed with mines.

जग्राह गिरिशृङ्गाभं परिघं रोमहर्षणम् ।
आयसैः शंकुभिस्तीक्ष्णैः कीर्णं परवसोक्षितम् ।३/२६/११॥
He wielded a terrifying parigha which was like a hill-peak and which had on it iron pikes and had the fat of enemies smeared on it.

आयसं परिघं गृह्य तानि रक्षांस्यसूदयम् ।५/५७/१५७॥
I killed those rakshasa's with an iron door-bolt.

हैमराजतकांस्यानां भाजनानां च राशयः ।४/५०/३४॥
Heaps of vessels made of Gold,Silver and Bronze.
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