Saturday, December 20, 2014



वड्ढ‍इ पव‍अकल‍अलो वल‍इ वलन्तवल‍आमुहो सलिलणिही ।
पवणणिरा‍इअरुक्खा पडन्ति उद्धट्ठिओज्झरा धरणिहरा ॥ ७-३६ ॥
[ वर्धते प्लवगकलकलो वलति वलमानवडवामुखः सलिलनिधिः ।
  पवननिरायतवृक्षाः पतन्त्यूर्ध्वस्थितनिर्झरा धरणीधराः ॥]
The murmuring noise of the monkeys increases; the ocean with its Vadava fire turning round spills over the shore; the mountains with their trees lengthened by the force of the wind and their streams held aloft fall into the ocean.

दूराइद्धणिअत्ता मोदिअमलिअहरिअन्दणम‍इज्झन्ता ।
उअहिं रहसुक्खित्ता आसाएन्ति विरसं महाण‍इमच्छा ॥ ७-३७ ॥
[ दूराविद्धनिवृत्ता मोटितमृदितहरिचन्दनमुद्यमानाः ।
  उदधिं रभसोत्क्षिप्ता आस्वादयन्ति विरसं महानदीमत्स्याः ॥]
The fish from the great rivers which are returning to the stream after having been flung afar and which are enjoying the sandal wood which has been first ground and then smeared are slightly tasting the waters of the ocean which is devoid of sweetness after having been flung into the ocean with speed.

आसीविसमणिअम्बा पह्लत्थन्ति विहडन्तविसमणिअम्बा ।
दुमणिवहोवरि हरिआ दरीसु सेला रविप्पहावरिहरिआ ॥ ७-३८ ॥
[ आशीविषमण्याताम्राः पर्यस्यन्ति विघटमानविषमनितम्बा ।
  द्रुमनिवहोपरि हरिता दरीषु शैला रविप्रभापरिहृताः ॥]
Mountains which are green in colour around groups of trees and have a tinge of redness due to the hue of the gems on the hoods of serpents and which are protected from sun light  end up in the caves.

धरिअं वेओवत्तं गिरिघाउच्छित्तपाणिअम्मि समुद्दे ।
वलिऊण भुअ‍अव‍इणा कह वि तुलग्गविसमा‍अ‍अं महिवेढम् ॥ ७-३९ ॥
[ धृतं वेगापवृत्तं गिरिघातोत्क्षिप्तपानीये समुद्रे ।
  वलित्वा भुजगपतिना कथमपि तुलाग्रविषमागतं महीवेष्टम् ॥]
The Sesha serpent somehow managed to bear the weight of the slopes of mountains by slightly shifting itself when the mountains were flung into the ocean with force while the waters of the ocean splashed up.    

वज्जभ‍अं धरणिहरा आ‍इवराहखुरपेल्लणाइञ् वसुम‍ई ।
सम‍अं चिअ पम्हट्ठं संभरिओ महणसम्भमं च समुद्दो ॥ ७-४० ॥
[ वज्रभयं धरणिधरा आदिवराहखुरप्रेरणानि वसुमती ।
  समकमेव प्रस्मृतं संस्मृतवान्मथनसंभ्रमं च समुद्रः ॥]

The mountains remembered the forgotten fear of the thunderbolt of Indra; the earth remembered the kicks of the feet of the Primaeval Boar; the sea remembered the agitation associated with the churning. All the three remembered together. 
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